Monday, April 06, 2009

Monday Messages - 4/6/09

Dear Monday...
I think it's whooped my rear today.  Dear heavens, but today was busy.  I'm not even going to go into it all except that I am extremely tired.  *sigh*

Dear Tuesday,
May you be better.

Dear Sinuses,
Cut it OUT already....a headache of the FACE is not fun...go away.  I want to be able to move again without feeling like my cheekbones and teeth are going to drop off my face at any moment.  And starting a headache of this proportion only to let it migrate over the rest of my head is totally unacceptable.
Feeling a Strong Dislike For You

Dear Kids,
Ever heard of a thing called "LISTENING to your parents?"  TRY IT!  I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure they'd like it if you did!
One of The Parents Who Would Love For You To Listen

Dear Hair,
Okay, so a haircut didn't cut it...(cut it...get it?  HAHA) but come on.  Give it up already and just stay attached to my head.  This is so far past old it's not funny. 
The Head You're Supposed To Stick With...

Dear Garden (all six plants of you),
Please hang tight under your little plastic greenhouses and don't let this little cold spell throw you for a loop.  I'm too excited for you to die now, got it?
Thought Spring Was Here Already

Dear Blog,
I have to go away now.  My face is joining my hair in the quest to leave my head.  I'm feeling quite tempted to go grab some sinus/allergy medicine and let it knock me out.  *SIGH*


  1. If the haircut in layers didn't work,maybe a large barrelled perm might do the trick too for loose spirals that would give your hair the body you're wanting. It just depends on what you want. Sorry you're having issues with it. I hate bad hair days too. :)

  2. On Tuesday, i was hit with a HUGE migrane, so i feel your pain. literally. I may have to right a little note of my own. Oh, i found out recently that if you tell the kids "Hurry we are running late!" they actually are programed to go SLOWER!! Its a scientific fact that i find out on a regular basis, try it out yourself you'll see. :)


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