Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ten on Tuesday - Getting Old

This week's Ten on Tuesday is Ten Signs You're Getting Older.  I think this might be a fairly easy list.  =) 

  1. You run into the four year old kid you babysat when you were 14.....and not only would you not have recognized them if they had not been with their parent, but they are as tall as you and all grown up.
  2. You start going bald.
  3. Your knees start popping when you get up or sit down.
  4. Sitting on the floor begins to hurt in less than five minutes.
  5. You don't remember what you ate last week.
  6. You have to think hard to remember what you ate TODAY.  (Course, it helps if you have actually EATEN today....and yes.  I did.  And I do.  Most of the time. LOL)
  7. You don't fight sleep at naptime.
  8. Trampolines are less fun...and more likely to kill you.
  9. You realize that the potential for your own grandparenthood could exist in less than 15 years. IMG_3448
  10. You take more vitamins than Methuselah did. Course, vitamins probably weren't around when Methuselah was alive....

Wow.  I could keep going.  But I won't.  And for the record, no, I'm not overdosing on vitamins.  LOL!

See all the Ten on Tuesday participants here.


  1. So true! You know what you need? One of those days-of-the-week pillboxes! Thanks for stopping by to read my T-on-T!

  2. and how would you know about getting old?
    Love YA

  3. Number 4! I forgot about number 4. That is just so true. Great list!

    Mine's up...come on over!

  4. Well, I have experienced the knee popping although I perfer to blame it on an accident I had a few years back instead of getting old!!!

  5. hahaha true2x esp about the vitamins part!

  6. I really could have probably done just fine without reading this list... seeing as how I can relate to more of them than not. :-)

    Does it make me even older that one of the youth from a youth group we led now is married and has her own children?!


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