Thursday, May 07, 2009

Going Away

Yeah, I can hear what you're thinking. GOING away? Girl, you've BEEN gone away...or else you'd'a done been blogging regular again!

Seriously's been....

No, I'm not going to say it. LOL! And we're (as in, myself and the two kidlets) leaving for NY tomorrow morning. Going with my parents to see my Grandma for a week again. I don't think I got everything done that I needed to get done tonight, but it's 10:41 and I'm supposed to be READY (as in, showered, awake -- not sure which of those things will come first -- dressed, packed, kids up and dressed, etc etc etc) by 6AM.



1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a wonderful trip and the kiddos do great ! I'm kinda ready to stay home . 4,500 miles on my car in 2 months is a little much . Anyhow , Nikki said my Hubby isn't a bachelor anymore . LOL !


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