Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday Messages - The Sleepy Edition

Dear blog,
I promise I will have interesting posts again soon. I'm really trying to keep plugging along...especially as I'm getting SO close to the 500 post mark.....but these days sleep is just so addicting. Part of that is because my face is killing me....or more accurately, my sinuses are killing me, but nevertheless...I won't be pathetic forever. Hopefully. At least not on my blog post topics. LOL.

Dear sweet commenters,
Ya'll are just lovely to post comments. So lovely in fact, that I felt that I should respond. *smiles* I'm really trying to keep up with ya'll's blogs, too, but ya know, it's been crazy around here lately....and you know. That sleep thing? Yeah. Anyways. So your comments? Very sweet. I'm glad you like the Christmas blog look, Janelle. jandksmummy, yes, it was VERY lovely to get some time to myself and to answer your question, gnocchi is a version of italian potato dumplings. (Pictures and description in this post from March) Rochelle, LOLing about your comment....yes, I did the posting thing on purpose cuz i knew you hadn't been back in awhile....hahah....JUST KIDDING.'s the sleep thing. It's been more important than bloggin lately. *sigh* Sad, I know. Anyways, thanks everyone who is checking in on me, through the blog and in real life (because of reading it on the blog). Ya'll are just too sweet.

Dear kids,
I think I like your new room swap. The furniture fits better this way. I am, however, ready for you guys to settle in and get used to it so that you'll go to sleep like normal again. K-man, that means you. *grin* Don't worry, munchkin, I'll get the rest of the stuff swapped out soon. No, I am not going to leave the baby wipes in your new room. Yes, I know you're a big girl now. No, please don't take them into K-man's room right now, he is trying to go to sleep. Now, do you think you could go to sleep without whining since you're a big girl now? YAY! Good job!
Love, Mommy

Dear sinus infection,
GET LOST. Go to Timbuktu or some other VERY FAR AWAY place. I am NOT happy with you.
-The lady with the warm rice pack smushed across her right eye

Dear rice pack,
You are the bomb!
Your maker

Dear eyes,
Open back up right're not done blogging yet. You can not do this weith your eyes're going to makea ll kinds of mistakes....and you are not allowed to go back and fix them b/c ity's your own fault that your not keeping your eyes open. It serves you right. Anywho, this is better to do with your eyes closed than.....say.....driving. *wince*
The brain attempting to control you

Dear hubby,
I love you. Sorry I forgot to make the cookies I told you I would make for you tonight. I'll try to remember to do them tomorrow night. *smiles* forgive me?
Love always,
Your forgetful wife

Dear work,
I'd rather stay home.
Tired of driving (and getting super expensive gas)

Dear blogger...i'm going away now. I'm dreadfully sleepy. So what else is new???


  1. Love the new look. Hang in there! Do you know that song "OOH, OOH child, things are gonna get easier" *LOL* Thats not the name, but its like the first line of the song. I thought it was appropriate *grin* Love ya!

  2. Wow Gnocchi looks incredible..mmm! Thanks for the link. As for your posts, I really enjoy your humor and
    determination to be the best you can be. By the the new look of your blog. Take care Faith and get well!

  3. Okay... out of all these, my fav was that you said sorry to your hubby for forgetting the cookies. You are just so sweet...

  4. Once again, great.

    I hope you made your hubby his cookies. I know what a man is like without cookies!


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