Thursday, November 01, 2007

If You Can't Say Something Positive.....

Then don't say anything at all.

Therefore, on the topic of the last few days living with our nosed whippersnappers.....that's kinda not really positive.....uh.....anyways....that was the nicer yet accurate words that the thesaurus listed for spoiled brat......wellll.....whatever. Anyways, the last few days? I don't have a whole lot of positive to say....and I'm so frustrated right this minute with the younger whippersnapper that I don't even want to try.

Oh, I guess one good thing is that Munchkin had a good note from school today. First one in weeks. We had to put the fear of God in her last night. Brought out the bite off stuff we used for little man over the summer and let her know that the backtalking days are over. Backtalking tongue is going to have nasty tasting consequences. Time out wasn't changing the behavior, but so far this seems to have a bit of an effect. The teacher told me that she was saying "Yes, ma'am" today when given instructions vs yesterday when she told the teacher to "shutup or I'll tell my daddy to come hit you" (who knows where THAT came from since we don't hit OR say shutup....well, MOST of the time we don't say shut up. haha). So that is improvement. We're not even going to discuss the other behaviors or the fact that the youngest whippersnapper has spent hours tonight screaming instead of falling asleep and no amount of anything has solved the problem. I think he's FINALLY asleep after about three point five hours, judging by the fact that he's finally been still and quiet for longer than a minute.....I finally had to come in here with my computer and sit to make sure he would stay in bed and stop screaming and jumping up and down on the bed.

Argh. See, I knew if I started talking about it I'd not be very positive. I've done a lot of praying tonight. Praying that God would steel my nerves to be able to deal with long bouts of tantrum screaming. I checked his diaper and he's had food and drink and all that good stuff....*sigh* He just dozes off then realizes he's going to sleep and gets mad and throws a fit...or he'll try to move around to stay awake and when I don't let him get up, he gets mad and throws a fit. EEEK. here I go again.

I thought about doing a thursday thirteen today, but I'm not sure I feel up to it now. Especially since I don't really have any time left before I need to hit the sack myself. *stopping myself here so I won't be negative*

Okay. I'm going away now. Thank GOD, tomorrow is Friday!!!


1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about not wanting to speak to much because sometimes its very hard to be positive. My oldest has found his tongue on many occasions lately and it takes everything inside me not to react in a bad way. But I have always found that consistency is the best medicine and eventually these behaviors will decrease. Just remember faith that you are a wonderful mom and person and you and the whippersnappers (love will get through this.


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