Thursday, November 08, 2007

Thursday Thirteen - Reasons I Haven't Blogged Lately

Pathetic I know....I've really been missing the blog stuff....posting, reading friends, etc....I've tried to keep up a little, but I've only had time to read a few of my favorites and even then, I haven't had time to leave any comments. I hate that. I'm terrible at commenting anyways! *sigh*



1. I've been too busy trying to keep the rest of my fingers intact and the one from getting infected.....
2. I've been too busy worrying about whether or not a person can get rabies from a human bite.
3. Started working on Christmas projects.
4. Actually got a couple of cute ones done and the shopping for some other ones done.
5. Researching consumer reviews on buying a sewing machine (which is what my hubby is getting me for christmas, only I'm asking for it early so that I can use it to make some of the kids christmas...hahaha)
6. Dreaming up ways to diaper our cat who is still peeing on everything. We think he maybe jealous in addition to health issues.
7. Changing diapers that unfortunately have nothing to do with dreaming. I wish I were at times. Haha.
8. Trying to figure out what is up with the munchkin's behaviour issues and why she is acting out so badly these days.
9. working on pictures
10. working on the church newsletter which is so behind it isn't funny
11. reading a really good book (snitch by rene is SOO funny and's about undercover cops that everything goes wrong and somehow turns out right...haaha....anywho, i don't get to read much lately, but i finally took some time here and there and finished it. I really miss reading thoughtless books. HAHA. By thoughtless, i mean fiction....the kind of books you can open and forget about real life for awhile. Those other books that I to deal with problem behaviors....well, I am CONSTANTLY thinking of real life when reading those....not a relaxing hobby. LOL)
12. kid's appointments (joy)
13. getting winning's in the mail from moving mama (yay, that is the first BIG contest I've ever like....won ! WHOOHOO. And she shipped it REALLY fast. I am so psyched to get to use it. And I'm also like coming up with things that I can use so that I can DO a giveaway for the next one. *grin* It was SO much fun!!!)

Notice there wasn't SLEEP listed anywhere in that list?


Tuesday night, I was up til 1am and last night it was about 12:30am. And the K-man has been waking up in the night around 2-3-4 and they've both been up around 6am every morning. It's been a trip, I'm tellin ya! It feels so nice to be able to be getting things done though, that I almost don't mind the lack of sleep. *sigh* However, right this minute I'm SO feeling it. I could just lay back here and close my eyes and probably crash for the rest of the night. No. Must. Finish. Blog. Post. First. *blinking rapidly* And I really need to do a little more looking around on the internet for sewing machines that are in the less than $200 range that I can hand it the material and a pattern and it will spit out a finished product. In less than 5 minutes. Anyone know of a sewing machine that fits that description? HA. Me either. ROFL. Anywho, suggestions or comments welcome. I'm not a pro, so I have no clue really except the basic idea of the function of a sewing machine. HAHA.

Okay. I'm really getting sleepy now and much left to do. So....


  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Nice Thursday Post! I love Thursdays, the kids are in bed 7:30, then Earl, the Office, Greys, and ER are on! Can you say no laundry , and take out for dinner on Thursdays?????????

    Hope you have a great TT, stop by my blog if you can!


  2. #11. I have read all of her books. My reading time comes at night when I finally crawl into bed. It helps me relax and go to sleep. Little ones are challenging but you will someday look back on these days and laugh (and maybe, cry) at the memories. I'm so glad you have these two children. You sound like a normal mom. Just remember "normal is the setting on your dryer". I'm sorry this comment is so long (maybe you fell asleep by now) and I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I can't seem to get my thoughts together. Oh, well, soon enough. I'm going away Friday night and Saturday with my hubby for my birthday. Can't wait!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Jealous of the book reading thing. What is that like? I have forgotten.

  4. Girl, you wear me out!! I can so relate on the sleep thing... need more!

  5. Ok Faith now it's your turn 30 blessings have fun!!Love you bunches thnaks for all your help and we'll have to rnew our first aid together again next year!!Hope Eddies Not there*grin*.

  6. Oh and I just decided to use their nick names even if it's private.Hope thats ok!Love ya!!

  7. just kiddin!I'm not one to talk..It took me 3 days to finish my last post. I definitely admire your stamina thats for sure. I'm making my own Christmas presents this year too! Have a good sleep!


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