Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Bit of "Eavesdropping"....

On an email conversation between several cat owners.....
(MIL wanted us to see the article at the bottom I think, so she forwarded it to me and I was laughing out loud at the conversation that went on between her and her sisters (G & C) and daughter (A).....Gotta love the humor on the hubby's side of the family....LOL!)

From: A

My human will never let me eat her pet hamster, and I am at peace with that.

I will not puff my entire body to twice its size for no reason after my human has finished watching a horror movie.

I will not slurp fish food from the surface of the aquarium.

I must not help myself to Q-tips, and I must certainly not proceed to stuff them down the sink's drain.

I will not eat large numbers of assorted bugs, then come home and puke them up so the humans can see that I'm getting plenty of roughage.

I will not use the bathtub to store live mice for late-night snacks.

I will not drag dirty socks up from the basement in the middle of the night, deposit them on the bed and yell at the top of my lungs so that my human can admire my "kill."

I will not perch on my human's chest in the middle of the night and stare into her eyes until she wakes up.

We will not play Herd of Thundering Wildebeests Stampeding Across the Plains of the Serengeti over any humans' bed while they're trying to sleep.

I will not intrude on my human's candle-lit bubble bath and singe my bottom.

I will not stick my paw into any container to see if there is something in it. If I do, I will not hiss and scratch when my human has to shave me to get the rubber cement out of my fur.

When it rains, it will be raining on all sides of the house. It is not necessary to check every door.

I will not swat my human's head repeatedly when she's on the family room floor trying to do sit ups.

When my human is typing at the computer, her forearms are *not* a hammock.

Computer and TV screens do not exist to backlight my lovely tail.

The goldfish likes living in water and should be allowed to remain in its bowl.

A warm pepperoni pizza is not a good place for a nap.

From: MIL

Only a cat-lover can appreciate the truth in all of this!

From: A

I know!! I particularly almost peed myself over the "wildabeast stampede"!! Hahaha!!
Yeah, I have a 13 pound cat that gallops when he "runs".... which is mostly at 4am when he goes jogging around the apartment!

From: C

Very funny. With two cats, I can completely relate to the "wildebeest stampede" . . . . . . . There should have been something in there about depositing hairballs next a human's head on the bed.

From: G

eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww..................................have your cats done that????????????????

From: C

Yes, Mike has taken to sleeping between my head and R's. Over the course of the last month - he has thrown up three times right in between our heads on the sheet. It's a lovely sound to wake up to - and it's entirely too late to try and get him off the bed before he does it.

From: G

OMG!!!!! Truman has irritable bowel syndrome, and I can hear him pooping a lot of times because he is passing gas at the same time!!! poor little guy!!!!!! he poops 3 or 4 times a day............but, he keeps eating, so it apparently doesn't bother him any, and he seems to maintain his weight.

From: C

If Mike or Mia ever start passing gas . . . . . . it's the "gas chamber" for them . . . . . LOL.

From: G

you are so cruel!!!!!!!!! lol

From: C

I know - but like do you really think I would carry out the threat? Nah - I'd wear a gas mask first. Mike's breath stinks to high heaven sometimes - I think he has halitosis or something . . . . yuck!

From: G

well, I'm not sure since you did it to Murphy!

From: C

Well, after giving Murphy 3 years to clean up his act, we didn't have a choice when we discovered he had ruined the guest bedroom mattress and then had moved onto the living room furniture . . . . .

From: A

This is quite the email chain to read after being in a meeting for an hour!!! LOL!

Shadow insists on puking on my clothes, socks, sofa, and anywhere on the direct path from my bed to the toilet so I can step barefoot in a cold pile of vomit on my nightly trip to pee!!!

From: MIL

All the more reason to have cats "outside" where they belong! No more cat hair, no more puke!

From: C

You are so right about that!!!!!! Please tell my husband that though.

***I'm not sure if I missed part of the conversation here or not, b/c it seems disconnected, but I think this is the article that MIL wanted us to see***

From: G

Why do cats eat grass?

by Drew Pilton
The eating of grass followed by regurgitation is a perfectly natural behavior for all cats.
Some cat owners make the mistake of preventing their cat from eating grass. Oftentimes people think it might make their cat ill or that it could upset their stomach. This is an incorrect assumption. The eating of grass followed by regurgitation is a perfectly natural behavior for all cats. Cats do not possess the ability to separate meat from fur and bones or feathers before eating - like we do - so they have to eat the digestible parts along with the indigestible parts. When the cat has finished digesting what he can the rest has to be removed from the system. To try and pass this through the digestive tract could cause obstruction and severe illness - this is where grass eating comes in. The habit of eating grass triggers the natural process of regurgitation of indigestible foods including its own fur balls - which would otherwise obstruct the system. This can appear to us humans as if the cat is violently ill but it is actually very beneficial to the cat.

What about other plants and vegetables? Cats cannot produce the enzymes needed to break down plant matter. Even when pureed or powdered, vegetables simply pass through the digestive tract without leaving any of their nutritional content. This alone is not harmful to your cat, but when undigested plant matter mixes with highly digestible food such as meat, indigestion and other complications may occur. Grass is an exception however; some cats compulsively eat grass when you leave them outdoors. This will cause them to regurgitate the indigestible matter, including raw vegetables. If your cat is unable to get access to grass he may attempt to eat your house plants instead. This could be dangerous because some house plants and flowers are toxic to cats. If you have a house cat you should provide a regular supply of potted grass to prevent him or her from looking elsewhere.

One of the most important things to remember: do not discipline your cat for regurgitating on your carpet or floor. They will never understand why they are being punished. Regurgitation is an involuntary action of your cat's stomach. Cleaning up afterwards should be an accepted part of being a loving cat owner.

- Drew Pilton is the author of "The Complete Ragdoll Cat Keepers Handbook."


  1. Faith, I have to honest, this is one post I wish I hadn't read!!! Those are all the reasons there are no animals in my house:) Gross, gross, gross!!
    Hey, hwere is the spell check on this thing?

  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Exactly why I don't have indoor cats either! Yuck, yuck, and more yuck! :o) -jules

  3. I have honestly never heard a cat fart..seriously! The post was hilarious..gross but good nonetheless

  4. LOL! Okay... I need to copy and paste this for the next time I have to explain why it is I don't want an indoor cat! LOL!


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