Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Like I Need Anything Else To Be Addicted To

Here are some of my latest addictions:

Being an at home mom. This week has been AWFUL! It has made me really, really want to quit working a full time job. LOL. Oh well. Actually, I think I want to have a house with a yard to send the kids outside whenever I am staying home. Right now I can't do that....I'd be afraid they'd tumble off our mountainside or run out in front of a car or something. Anyways. Either that, or I'd want to send them to daycare a couple of days a week so I could do something productive with my time. Like take a nap. hehehe!

Paperback - I joined today and listed the nine books you start with to get the three credits and three of the nine are already taken. I'm mailing them out tomorrow. Not only that, but I've already used the three starting credits and there should be three books on their way to me very soon. Whoopee!!! I've already started rummaging through all the books in storage to start cleaning things out. Yeah, I know I won't be getting any money out of this, but at least I'll have an opportunity to get books that are more appropriate for this time of our lives. For example, I just listed some of the teenybopper books from my adolescent years that were in my ever growing "yard sale" pile b/c books on the subject of "Dealing with your hyperactive child" or "Making Your Children Mind Without Losing Yours" are the types of things that are on my current reading subject list. Anyways, if you're not part of it, you should go check it out, it's way cool.

Naps. I have been in a very nice mood all afternoon. And I'm now wide awake b/c I already got my 2 hours....I should be able to go to bed around 1.....haha. Just kidding. Actually, my hubby is ready to go to bed now. He didn't get a nap today. Poor thing. So I'm going to oblige him and go to bed.


PS I have about one inch of precious liquid substance left in the 2 liter of Dr Pepper I have been working on today. Does this mean I have gone beyond addiction and into a drinking problem?


  1. I have 2 vices... Diet Coke and blogging. And I am NOT willing to give them up. LOL!

  2. Faith, please tell me you didn't drink all but an inch of a 2-liter Dr. Pepper??!!

    Oh, the caffeine! I can't imagine how you'll sleep at all.

    Michele sent me - welcome to the game.


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