Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Today I decided I needed a little R&R. That would be rest and relaxation, not rushing and running. LOL.

And. It. Was. LOVELY!

I woke up this morning and got dressed. Got the munchkin and the bouncer up and dressed. Got everyone's medicine down, called the daycare to let them know that the kids would be in late (around lunchtime), and then grabbed the "due today" library books and got everyone in the car.

Then we all rode down to the town where I work. I took them into my office at work and sat them down with a puzzle while I checked my emails to make sure everything was still going smoothly in my absence. Introduced the bouncer to my mom, Wally, and whoever else happened to be in earshot, since the bouncer has a hard time remembering to use his inside voice. ROFL. Nah, actually he did really good today....but he usually does pretty good in the's the evenings when he's the wild child b/c his medicine has worn off.

After I finished with the emails (all 160 of them, most of which were junk and just needed to be deleted), we rode down the hill to see my friend, Susan, who is now their friend for life, since she gave bouncer a lego happy meal toy and a bottle of bubbles to the munchkin. LOL.

Then we went to the library and returned the books and checked out a couple more and then headed back to the town where we live and I dropped them off at daycare.

I drove all the way into town before I realized that I didn't have the medicaid card for bouncer to get his medicine, so I just turned around and came back home. Found the card. Guess I'll have to go do that tomorrow after I take bouncer to his counseling session in the morning.

I really should get some things done this afternoon since tomorrow morning is shot (SW visit, counseling for bouncer) and Friday morning is a meeting with bouncer's one on one teacher and SW to discuss his progress and needs. Also Friday, I will have to put together the story quilt for VBS that the kids will do tomorrow night (it's posterboard squares, and they have holes punched in them and we'll use yarn to tie the squares together to make a will be cool!). And at some point before Sunday, I need to make a couple of signs for the festival booth that I have to work on Monday, but I need to drop the signs by for the ones who are working the booth on Sunday.

Busy busy busy.

So today after I finished lunch, I decided to take a nap. So I did. And it felt lovely. Almost two hours. And my headache is almost gone now. *grin*

Now. What should I do next? Probably get off the computer.

Anyways. Later, ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. I used to NEVER take naps. But ever since I have been waking up at 6:20 to walk, I take a nap just about every day. If I would go to bed before 1 or 2 that would help... but I just enjoy sleeping. It IS lovely!


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