Monday, January 26, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

You know, there is actually a pretty popular regular meme of folks who do this...I really should just link up with them b/c this is definitely something I am going to try to do regularly now that I have realized how much easier it is to sit down and plan out the week's meals.  Maybe I'll get a chance to do that next week. 

On to this week: 1/26-1/30

  • Monday: Freezer Dinner Raid (pizza, chicken fries, and pepperoni poppers)
  • Tuesday: Garlic Lime Chicken with a side of Macaroni
  • Wednesday: Pizza Calzones (note to self: need pizza sauce, pizza dough)
  • Thursday: Frozen Mesquite Chicken Pieces (to use up more freezer stuff before it gets old) and uh....I think there is some Whole wheat Spaghetti in the pantry that I should use up.  So Chicken and S'getti.  (note to self: get a loaf of bread to make fresh garlic toast)
  • Friday: TaDa...Chicken's on sale this week so I think I'm going to experiment with this Chicken & Corn in the Crockpot recipe...and maybe use whatever's left of the fresh garlic toast from Thursday
  • Saturday: leftovers (if I make an extra bit of chicken in the crockpot on Friday, then I can shred it and leave it in the sauce and that will make excellent sandwiches for Saturday)

Eventually I'll get all this old food used up.  By making the menus, I sure feel like I have a better grip on using it to make decent meals that don't feel like you're just trying to use up old food.  LoL!

1 comment:

  1. I do much better when I make a menu. My grocery bill comes way down. I usually do it for two weeks, which sometime is a little overwhelming. I feel much more organized too. I do frozen stuff on Wednesday nights just because of all the prep and clean up that is involved with a big meal.
    By the way, I love ya!


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