Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not Doing So Great

Post moved to private blog.


  1. I can sympathise with you on the two sets of twins issue, except...with other issues. No dirty dipers thank you very much!
    You did more for those children in realizing it wouldn't work than if you had kept them and had huge struggles for you all.
    I love you, admire you and I am praying for you.
    By the way, thanks for taking on two more for us this weekend! Two pluses, no dirty diapers and they will sleep late. Although the big one has going to bed issues. Plus, their is no dirty laundry coming with them. Buck and I were up half the night and @ 5am making sure.
    I'll miss you please pray for us.

  2. You sound like you have really thought this through and I like your statement about not being able to hold people together if you are falling apart. Hang in there.

  3. Can I be accepted to your private blog?


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