Why do I still feel like I have way too much catching up to do??? LOL. Why am I full of questions today??? Haha.
Anyways, I guess I'll just start with an update from last weeks menu items.
Speaking of last weeks menu, this is Monday, so I guess that will be a separate post for this week's menu since it seemed to work well last week. I liked having it planned out so I didn't have to think about it.
So Friday was supposed to be Beefy Taco Joes...we ended up skipping it on Friday and had sandwiches and soup instead, because we took the kids out to the local indoor playground and didn't want to have a full scale meal that night. Which worked out well since we had company on Saturday night so I moved the full scale meal to that night instead.
So I made them on Saturday. KC liked the beef stuff, just wasn't crazy about it being on the bread. I thought the bread was the best part, but next time I make it, I'll probably serve his part on chips instead of bread. I also added taco seasoning to the beef mixture when I was cooking it although it didn't call for it. It made it taste more like tacos and less like sloppy joes, which I liked.
They were DEFINITELY sloppy though, and KC gave them the new name that cracked us all up and by which I shall henceforth refer to them. These SLOPPY JOSE'S were extremely quick and easy and most definitely will have a place on future menus. *GRIN*
In other news, Munchkin's closet racks are installed now, but the organization of it is still a work in progress. I have to go get some baskets to organize her stuff in and in the meantime it still looks kinda rough, so I'm not doing an after picture just yet. *grin* Next closet that shall receive a makeover with the leftover closet pieces from the kits from our closet and munchkin's, will be the coat closet in the hall....I am REALLY looking forward to having a low bar in there for the kids to be able to reach it to hang their own coats up. *GRIN*
This was the weekend of haircuts, too. Well, "trims" would probably be more accurate. I trimmed Munchkin's bangs again (they were growing out because they had gotten so thick it was taking up too much of her hair and the old
layer of bangs was not quite chin length) but this time I trimmed a much thinner layer than they used to be and she looks really cute. She is a bit of a ham when it comes to pictures though...in case you couldn't tell. HAHA. At least she is cooperative...K-man is impossible to get a good pic of. LOL.
Then this weekend, K-man had an ear infection and I had to take him to the doctor, so while we were out I decided to take me and him into the chop shop and get both of us taken care of at the same time. He was good as gold while they trimmed him up and when he finished and was watching as they finished mine, he kept telling me, "Be STILL, mommy." "Don't move, stay still." "Good job, mommy." ROFL. Anyways, his hair was a little uneven so I spiked it up until it grows out a bit. He was adorable. Can't post any pics of his face on here, but here's a pic that kinda shows his hair and I just blurred out his face.
Anywho, sorry...I didn't get any pictures of my trim...but then my hair didn't change any, just a little trim to get the ends healthy again, so it looks the same.
I think that's it for now....I know there is other stuff I could post about but I have to get going...need to get the laundry caught up, the house needs cleaning, got to plan the week's menu and then run get groceries, the munchkin is home today (school's out for 3 days) so I have to get her lunch and nap in there somewhere....anyways...busy day. See ya...for now. =)
FYI: For those of you who don't use google reader to keep you up to date on current blog posts, I just wanted to give you a heads up that Brother's Keeper has been updated and the family could use all the encouragement and prayers you could send their way right now.
Love the K-man's hair. I love doing hair myself, for girls and boys.