Monday, December 07, 2009


It’s that certain day of the week that has the highest tendency to be ONE OF THOSE DAYS.  At least it sure seems that way for me personally.  Garfield and I are kindred spirits when it comes to Mondays (and early mornings, and that mood we get in when we don’t get fed…well..okay…we’re just kindred spirits!)

My day just got off on the wrong foot when I (wearing day old clothes and without a shower—i was just gearing up for a day of housecleaning, okay!?!) was on the way to take Munchkin to school and realized that (oh my) I had a meeting to discuss last week’s therapy session with the therapist.  At 9am.  That is NOT how you want to begin a morning, trust me.  The forgetting, I mean, not the therapist…lol…although digging into our daughter’s multiple dysfunctions issues is not really my idea of a fun morning, to be quite honest.  And someday when that daughter is meeting with the nursing home director about her mother who won’t stay in her room, or is wreaking havoc in the craft hall, or won’t stop screaming at the nurses, I’m sure she’ll be saying the same thing about me!  LOL!  Gotta have a sense of humor about these things, right? 

Here’s a random quote I came across today while working on a project which shall not be discussed herein because of the holiday that is rapidly approaching which I prefer to push FAR from my mind.  (EEEK…i’m so far behind)  ANYWAY, the quote:

“False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine but leaving us when we cross into the shade.” - Christian Nevell Bovee

I’m so glad I have true friends that are friends in sunshine AND shade.  ;-)  Oh and have I mentioned that we are going to be moving all our heavy furniture on January 15th?  Ahem.  LOL!  I’m not really hinting at anything…really….lol! 

Seriously, I thought the quote was deep and wanted to remember it but moving our heavy furniture is not a requisite to being my friend.  LOL.  Ain’t ya glad about that?!  Trust me, your back will thank you.  Mine will be screaming at me and it won’t be saying thank you!  Oh wait, it’s still screaming at me from last week…I think I hear it saying something about 15 tons of gravel?  Ah yeah. 

Well anywho, we showed our house again yesterday.  I think it speaks volumes that we showed our house two times and got an offer both times.  *grin*  Yes, and although we countered a few times on the first and finally rejected it because it was a contingency based on their condo selling in a town down the road which is suffering economically (at least the housing market), we did accept the second.  Closing date on our little house is January 8th, they are already pre-approved for the loan, and because we have already had the house inspected and appraised, we don’t have to worry about any of that stuff causing any problems, so it’s pretty safe to assume that our cozy little home will be in new hands in about 5 weeks.  *sigh*  I’ll miss it.  I’ll miss it probably every time I spend 8 hours cleaning in the big house what took me 1 hour to clean in the little house.  And I’ll miss that nice big area of gravel in the backyard.  *sigh* 

I would like to point out that although the playset was quite the craigslist fiasco, and although it is concreted into the ground and we weren’t planning to take it with us, and although we did not state that up front in the listing, I do think it HIGHLY interesting to note that BOTH offers specifically requested that the playset remain.  BWAHAHAH! 

Okay, apologies for my sporadic posting recently, but things around here have been a little hectic.  Maybe SOMEDAY I’ll have time again and will be able to post deeper thoughts than just random updates.  LOL.  That’s assuming my brain isn’t completely fried by that point.  Or assuming I’m not in that nursing home I was talking about up in paragraph 2.  LOL. 

Oh well.  Goodnight.  =)


  1. yea! congrats! that is really exciting news! more kids once you move? *sheepish grin*

  2. I am just glad to see that I'm not the only one that has days like this:):)

    That's awesome (really!) that you've had 2 offers in 2 showings. I looked at the pics you posted a while back--obvious you guys worked hard on things. I dont think many people bother to make the extra effort to spruce things up before selling, ya know?? I will say that I was definitely sweating your playset!! haha

    Perhaps you should star in your own reality/home show. Hmmmm got ya thinking didnt I??

    P.S. You will definitely miss your lil house:) I say it at least once a week...

  3. Congrats on selling your house! Let us know when you need some help. Your new house is beautiful! I still miss our first house in MO, even though it was a rental.

    Hope your week is much better!

  4. The new house looks neat! I read someone else's comments on the wallpaper. You know, if you have other things to tend to before tackling the huge wallpaper removal job- you can just paint over it until you can get to it later. I saw someone else do this and you couldn't tell it was wallpaper they painted over. We did this in my utiliy room too. Not a permenant fix but is a quick fix for an eye sore. Faith, so glad your hard work paid off by helping get your house off the market quickly! Pat yourself on the back.

  5. Faith, I LOVE your quote that you found. Very good! :o)

    And wow! Thank the Lord for how quickly you sold your house and was able to get a "new" one before that. That's really great too!

    Does your new house have a playset, or will eventually have to build another one?

    Is "Anonymous" joking, or are we getting "spam" on our blog comments now? :o)

  6. LoL...well, i hated to do it, but I guess I'll have to put that word verification step on comments...i seem to have picked up a spam-bot. *sigh* i keep deleting them but they keep coming back.

    in response to the rest of the comments:
    - more kids? Maybe...we'll definitely have more room....
    - reality show? HUH-UH!! i do not like myself on camera...hahaha.
    - paint over wallpaper? not a bad idea...and we have leftover paint from our current house so I probably wouldn't have to spend anything...thanks for the tip
    - new house have a playset? Nope...i'll be looking on craigslist again (JUST KIDDING -- my hubby told me that we are not doing that again)...hahaha but we do plan to get or build SOMETHING. =)

  7. Anonymous2:07 PM

    monday wasn't exactly my best day either. but it doesn't matter what day of the week, early mornings are not my friend.....

    speaking of friends, love the quote. definitely a keeper!

    yahooooo on the sale of your house. that worked out peachy for you. let me know when you're ready for me to come help you fill some boxes. we'll leave the heavy lifting for the men. ;O)

  8. Wow, whatta Monday...Yay for the offers, though. Your bound to get a keeper shortly!


Please tell me what you think...but keep it spam free and friendly, or it will be deleted. Thanks! =)