Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ahem…is this thing on?

We interrupt this pathetically neglected blog to post a classified…3138786505_0d1fccd2b4

WANTED: Small family looking for cardboard boxes.  Preferably at least 3 for bedrooms, plus one for a family room.  Large sizes would be best.  Also looking for a good bridge to put them under.  Bridge needs to be in good location with a nearby wireless internet access (since there won’t be much room in our boxes bedrooms to fit more than ourselves, a blanket, and our laptops).  Contact by email: always (dot) faith (at) yahoo (dot) com.  Thanks in advance.  

I know, I probably shouldn’t joke about being homeless because it’s not a funny thing for people who really have to live that way, and it’s not like we aren’t blessed enough to have family/friends who might take us in temporarily, so please don’t think I’m terrible.  But anyway, it seems we have gone from two houses to no houses in the last couple days.  We signed the contract to sell our house on Monday (exactly 14 days from listing date) and found out yesterday that there were problems not disclosed on the house we WERE going to buy.  So basically, our current house closes on the 8th and we no longer have a house in which to move.   

Um.  I’m a teeny tiny bit stressed.  Tomorrow I get to put packing on hold and go check out storage buildings.  And since we don’t have a house and it’s doubtful that we could find one, get it closed on, and ready to move in before the 8th, I guess we can go ahead and start getting our stuff moved to the storage building in the next couple weeks so at least that way we won’t be stressing about getting all our stuff out of the house ON the 8th.  lol.  

So hello, you people that were praying for us NOT to move to the town we were going to be moving to…next time, will ya do me a favor and when you pray that the house doesn’t work out…well, try to put in that prayer there somewhere that another BETTER house works out in it’s place so that we’re not left WITHOUT a house, okay???  LOL!  (I’m just kidding of course)

Need to go clean something.  Stress does that to me.  (Well, sometimes.  And other times it makes me want to go to bed and not do anything at all. Today is not one of those times.  LOL!)


  1. It will work out. Just trust. By the way, have you been praying FOR patience?

  2. Awww Faith, I know you are dissapointed! I am sorry about your house! Not about you moving so far away. I was wondering how the math sessions were going to fit into my gas budget.
    Something will come along, Lord willing.
    Love Ya!

  3. Hey, I hope it works out and quickly!!!

    Maybe you're supposed to move to the big city up the road (hint).

  4. Understand the stress. Hugs. Glad you found out about the problems before the sale instead of after.

  5. I am praying for them to move to Lenoir I need sisters in Lenoir too. but i am sorry to hear about your house. God will take care of you. and you could come live with me. I love ya and I am praying for you.

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Awe! that stinks! But maybe you have to be in Lenoir now...? lol. j/k! love ya and something will work out! Praying too!

  7. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Awe! that stinks! But maybe you dont have to be in Lenoir now...? lol. j/k! love ya and something will work out! Praying too!

  8. Anonymous3:04 PM


    sorry friend. you and the kids can come stay with me. i have a perfectly nice tent in which your hubby may sleep....outside. oh wait!!! it's winter.... that won't work..... okay.....he can come, too. *wink*

    love ya and ummmm....just so you know, i never prayed you wouldn't get your house. ever. didn't want it to be in a different county- true- but never prayed against it. i'm not ThaT selfish. :o)

  9. Anonymous3:09 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous3:23 PM

    BTW- there's a really nice house 2 minutes from mine. you would love it cause well, i love it and we have the same taste.'s not for sale exactly. well,'s not for sale at all actually....but i could always knock on the door and ask them to move....(pretty please with sugar on top) you'll just have to wait til the mood hits me again. the mood in which i'm referring is the one where we laughed our HEADS OFF about pulling through the drive-through BAckWaRdS just for the fun of it.

    so......what do ya think?????

  11. Kelly...I'll take the tent. lol.

  12. Wow, what a disappointment I'm sure. But like someone already said, it's better you found about before rather than after. Hope something works out for you SOON! Wish I had a full basement to offer you.

  13. Anonymous10:50 PM

    KC- that's naughty. but that's okay.... i'll just send levi to you in the tent seeing as how you are both such early risers. :o)

  14. o lovely :)

    i hope something works out so that you stumble onto the perfect house for you guys VERY VERY soon!

  15. Momma told me about this and I could not believe it! Don't worry though, our basement is currently vacant ;)

  16. Aww... Faith, I could cry. I guess you already knew that was coming. You know, me being a cry baby; but, seriously, I'm so sorry the house did not work out.

  17. Something will turn up. Don't stress. BIG housing market.

  18. I'm so sorry for ya'll. I hope something better comes along for you - SOON!


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