Create a “stamp” to use in picture editing…or whatever else you want to use it for… (USING ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS3)
*disclaimer: I’m not an expert, but for the person who asked me how I do it…this is how. LOL!*
1. >File >NEW (Width: 8 in; Height: 5 in; Resolution: 300 pixel/in; Color: RGB; Background: Transparent)
2. Hit the T in the toolbox and create a text box. COLOR: Black. Type in whatever you want in the first…if you want different text on a different line, create a new text box. This is also cool (and easier) if you want your text to look layered instead of on the typical lines. When you finish arranging them like you want, move on to the next step.
*NOTE 2: You don’t have to fill the entire space…or even use the same dimensions as I did…I just like to have plenty of room to work with and if your brush turns out large (max size is 2500 pixels though, so you do have to stay within that range), but you always have the option to scale down. It doesn’t look good if you make it small and then try to scale up.
3. Hit (M) for the Rectangular Marque Tool and select what you want in the brush. If you really want to get fancy, you can even put some clip art in this image behind or around your text… Anyways, so you’ve got your selection, right?
4. >Edit >Define Brush Preset – Name your brush and hit okay.
5. Open a picture and then hit (B) for brush. Up at the top where it shows the brush tip and size, click the down button next to that and scroll to the bottom of the brushes…your new one should be there. Click on it and you’ll probably need to size it down a bit and then just click your button ONE time to stamp the image on your picture. You could paint with it but it’d look funny. You can also tweak the opacity to make it like a watermark, or if you want it in color, you can change the color as well. So much fun!
See this is what I mean by getting fancy:
Also, there is much better tutorial on creating brushes HERE. Complete with lots of technical information. But whatever…ya’ll know I ain’t technical. Although I occasionally try! Anyway. Go make brushes. Have fun. =)
Thanks for the lesson. I don't have Adobe Photoshop, but thanks for sharing. It was interesting to read. :o)