Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Pitiful


He looks so innocent.  As if he wasn't just trying to eat the red berries out of the porch planter boxes. 

                      IMG_2417eweb it was ALMOST wordless!!!

Credits for photoshop actions (B&W, Define&Sharpen): Pioneer Woman

Credits for brushes (grungy edge on second photo): SG Refresh Grunge Brush

Photos taken 12/2/08


  1. Love the pix. Great edging idea on second pic. Really liked the first, though. Thanks for posting the pics. Love looking at them!

  2. Oh... I can't believe he was actually going to eat those berries... really. :)

  3. Aw! He knew when he found your house that you would let him stay.....

  4. So this is the cat you were trying to give away? How sweet of you to keep him. :o) He looks healthier, which means you're feeding him. :o) Prescious.


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