Friday, December 05, 2008

For When I Have Nothing Else To Post About

Got this email and since I would much rather blog than email, I figured I'd use it here to fill in for one of those weekend days when it seems like I either am not in the mood to post or have nothing to post about.  Plus Nikki named me for person most likely to respond and I'd hate to let her down just cuz I'm not a fan of email forwarding.  *GRIN*

So.  I'm writing this 12/1/08 but it won't post until 12/5/08, so if any of the answers seem strange, remember that I can't see the future, so I'm having to write my answers as of today.

1.  What is your occupation right now?   Well, according to my Facebook profile, it's something along the lines of: Chief Cook & Bottle Washer who performs the duties of taxi driver, laundry lady, chef, bath giver, top tuck-er-in-er, wife, housecleaner, bill payer, organizer, record keeper, and other duties as assigned.... And I think that pretty much sums it up.

2.  What color are your socks right now?  Chocolate (doesn't that sound better than brown?)

3.  What are you listening to right now?  KC typing a new post that's...knowing my husband...probably pretty high up on the controversy scale.

4.  What was the last thing that you ate?  Pasta & Meatballs, but I'm really leaning toward hitting up the pantry for a late night snack.  Naughty me.

5.  Can you drive a stick shift? Yes, and I love it!  I actually prefer it, but unfortunately both of our cars ended up being automatic....*sigh*  It wasn't a high priority on the feature list.

6.  Last person you talked to on the phone?  My mom & dad.

7.  Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes, of course.

8.  How old are you today?  25.75

9.  What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?  Uh...I don't really have a favorite, but I usually end up watching football...go Michigan...JUST KIDDING, HONEY!!! GO BUCKEYES!!!

10.  What is your favorite drink?  Dr. Pepper...23 flavors.

11.  Have you ever dyed your hair?  Nope...not unless you count that stupid sun-in stuff that I put in my hair when I was about 14.  That was so dumb.  I thought it didn't work b/c it didn't change color in the sun.  Then later when I used the blow dryer, I ended up with some funky flavored red streaky hair.  Teenagers.  GAH.

12.  Favorite food?  Anything Italian, but I'm really not picky.

13.  What is the last movie you watched?  Don't was probably one of the kid's movies, but I generally only passively watch, so I'm not sure.

14.  Favorite day of the year? don't really have a favorite, but I do like Thanksgiving.

15.  How do you vent anger? Well, do we really want to go here?  Just don't make me mad, okay?  LOL!

16.  What was your favorite toy as a child?  Barbies, Matchbox cars, & Legos...

17.  What is your favorite season?  Summer

18.  Cherries or Blueberries?  Blueberries

19.  Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?  Well, I'd rather they blog!

20.  Who is the most likely to respond?  N/A (but if anyone wants to blog it, feel free)

21.  Who is least likely to respond?  N/A

22.  Living arrangements?  In a lovely home with my handsome hubby and 2 beautiful kids.

23.  When was the last time you cried?  It's been a few months.  LOL.  JUST KIDDIN...but actually I don't remember when. 

24.  What is on the floor of your closet? Shoes and laundry baskets and a few stray pieces of pocket lint.

25.  Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending to?  N/A

26.  What did you do last night?  Church

27.  What are you most afraid of? Snakes and spiders.  And those weird mushroomy things that keep sprouting up in the front mulch beds.....AGHHHHH!

28.  Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?  Cheese

29.  Favorite dog breed?  Golden Retrievers

30.  Favorite day of the week?  Friday

31.  How many states have you lived in?  Just NC...

32.  Diamonds or pearls?  Diamonds 

33.  What is your favorite flower?  Wildflowers


  1. Ahh, now. I see you know what I feel like sometimes. What to blog about? hmmm, nothing, zilch, nada... at least you do find SOMETHING to blog! So for now, you're ahead of me.*smile*

  2. You like sports? It's great if you do. I watch college football with my hubby when he watches (all the time) but as for really liking it...well...*smile* you get the point.

  3. Cool post ! Interesting !

  4. Hey, whaddya know? You and I have like alot of the same things given the same choices. I hate amphibians of any sort, arachnids, and other slimy, squishy, wierd-looking things. Definitely love diamonds too! A girls best friend, you know...*grin* Great post girl, keep it up!


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