Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ten on Tuesday: Summer Summary

10 Great Things That Happened This Summer (either personal things or in general)

(The above link takes you to the Ten On Tuesday site to see more participants or to join in....)

  1. Dropped about 10 pounds....it wasn't really intentional, probably stress related, but my clothes are comfortable again and I was getting a little antsy about being so close to 150 on the scale, so you won't hear me complaining! I'm tall and the weight wasn't obvious, but I was feeling it and now I'm happy to be NOT. LOL
  2. Visited Grandma in NY with my family.
  3. Got to go on vacation to the beach with several of our friends. Usually it's just us...
  4. Scrapbook Convention....loved that.
  5. Discovered the magic of a flat-iron = much reduced frizz factor.
  6. Kings Island with my honey.
  7. The weekend trip in general since it was very relaxing to go away....I'm noticing a trend toward travel here....LOL.
  8. Munchkin learned how to write some of her letters.
  9. K-man started being interested in potty training...although he's nowhere near big boy underwear yet. UGH.
  10. Had a decent profit on a shortlived yardsale....and speaking of that yardsale, I need to get all the stuff that I had left back into another yardsale. And hopefully it will last longer and won't get rained on, so I can actually GET RID OF IT. LOL!
Okay, I really couldn't think of anything generally good that happened this summer. I mean, hello, look at the economy and gas prices and shortages, wars.....it's not a beautiful world these days, but being that I am such a "POSITIVE" person (not really, but I do try), I find it much easier to find positive things in my personal life as opposed to the world in general.


  1. Summer Summary-- Excellent! I might have to borrow this idea!

  2. Anonymous1:13 AM

    i love the xbox! it's a lot more than a game machine as i've found out, and i've really used it more as a media center streaming videos from my computer than i really have playing games heh heh. 'grats on getting the wii though, those are a lot of fun!

    nice list! i can understand the bit about the economy etc., it's definitely a . . . bleak world right now, but there's always a piece of your own to grab, and it definitely sounds like your kids are doing great in that respect. good luck with the potty training bit ;)

  3. Anonymous10:44 AM

    hooray for #1!!!


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