Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Too Bad I don't Live in 1930

Back then, I would have not just been a "good" wife....I'd have been SUPERIOR!!! HEHE!!!
Poor KC....if only he could have had me then! Hahah!


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

Anywho, the earplugs worked great. And they were a little quieter last night, too. Not sure if they were really quieter or if KC's dose of Nyquil and my earplugs just made everything SEEM quieter. ROFL!!! Either way, we got a full night's sleep....and i used the earplugs to take a nap today, too. Wonderful invention, those earplugs! *GRIN*

And today, the K-man did "Ew, Gross" on the potty again....by telling me he needed to go....and this time, he didn't wait until he'd already started doing it in his diaper. He didn't really want to go tonight, but I'm hoping it's cuz he really didn't need to and not cuz he's regressing again. LOL. He did wet through TWO outfits tonight though. I'm not kidding, the kid has a TON of liquid excretions!!! I took him to the potty and he did enough to put out a small fire....and then he STILL wet through another pair of pants not even an hour later!!! What in THE WORLD?

We took the kids to see the Sea Monsters 3D at the Imax down at Broadway on the Beach. K-man LOVED it after the first initial terror of seeing these monsters on a giant screen in 3D....all except for the few times the monsters with the sharp teeth came flying right at his level,....if they looked like they were going over or under us....or to the sides, he was fine....and even for the parts when he got scared, wouldn't let me cover his eyes or hide his face for NOTHING. The kid is gutsy. LOL. Unfortunately, Munchkin cried the first five minutes and spent the rest of the time cowering on KC's lap and only looked at the screen during the desert scenes of the archaeologists finding the bones. But then of course,after she found out that K-man enjoyed it, she said she just LOVED it . She is so four right now. All attitude. Boy, I just can't wait til four-TEEN. I'm sure this is only a teeny tiny glimpse of the joys that await. *huge sigh*

Well, going to go to bed now...it's almost midnight and the elephants do not seem to be winding things down upstairs, so I'm off to round up those trusty earplugs. Night!


  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    i believe your first problem is the fact that there are elephants on the floor above you. everyone knows it's common knowledge that elephants should be on the ground level, mainly due to their weight issues.

    also, it was brought to my attention that my comments were singled out as being fantastic. i wanted to say that you are very welcome and can you believe i leave those comments for free?

  2. 1930 sounds good to me! Even the 1800's. Life was much more simple in those days, at least that's what I read. No, not in inspirational romances either. History is a good source for those things. No cell phones, hardly any cars, no gas bills, no internet. On second thought, you may not like it so much :) Definatley no scarey monsters for little girls to be afraid of. The lack of entertainment would not bother me at all!
    Hope you slept well.
    Miss you all! Lots of Love.

  3. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I'd like to point out that there is no link to my blog on your blog, but that'd make me a petty person so I shall refraim.

  4. Lol... okay yeah, I'm cracking up over here. I haven't been to blogville very much this week but knew if I stopped by here I would get a good giggle. Hehehe... sorry to be laughing when I should be showing empathy and compassion... shame. on. me.


    Oh, and I wouldn't even attempt that test. I'd fail, for sure!

  5. LOL...yes, I can vouch for the idea that elephants should remain on the ground floor...and particularly NOT in the condo above us. And it's a good thing the humor is free....otherwise I wouldn't be able to afford it...LOL.

    And i'm not sure but what I might have been meant to live in the 1930s.....well....WITH THE EXCEPTION OF INTERNET. A week at grandmas...disconnected....well...that pretty much banished any ideas of my belonging to the good ol days...ahahha.

    BTW...Rochelle...glad to know you've gotten a few chuckles out of my misery...hahaha. Don't worry...I ain't mad about it. If it were anyone else, I'd laugh...hehehehe.

  6. got love those earplugs! glad they worked for you. :o) Maybe your neighboors upstairs will be gone by the weekend. wishful thinking?


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