Monday, August 18, 2008

Mommy's Tired

Funny quote from Munchkin as I was putting her down for a nap the other day:
"Mommy, you need to take a nap, too. You're tired. You have gircles (circles) under your eyes. You're tired. You need to GEEP (sleep)."

Munchkin has talked non-STOP all day long today. Even after being told repeatedly to just hush for awhile. And a good part of it was mommy-harassment (arguing, asking questions she already knew the answer to b/c I'd already answered it five times in a row...etc), so in an effort NOT to be so negative feeling about it, I thought I'd post a couple of her funnies.

After drawing a picture of me (well, her version of what I look like, I guess....I hope it's not really how she sees me....a fat ball on two little sticks with frizzy hair....but we won't go into the hair.......haha):
"Mommy, look, I gawed (drawed) you....don't you look gawgus (gorgeous)!"

While I was working on the church newsletter (on my computer):
"Mommy, you need to clean the house! You better get off your puter (computer) and get to WORK!!!!!"

(I was like, "Uh, I AM working, thank you very much, boss!" And for the record, the house was not that dirty, so I don't know what she was talking about, but it was a little bit funny, even if she was being more than a little bit bossy! LOL)

When I told her she could pull the towels out of the dryer if she wanted to:
(jumping up and down excitedly and clapping her hands) "YAY!"

Anyways. Mommy's been kinda grumpy today. I hope I'm not getting sick....vacation is this weekend, and I really don't want to be so tired. *SIGH*



  1. Good job1 Think positive and look on the bright side of everything. She really has such cute things to say in a munchkin way, that only she can pull off.

  2. she is funny. I love her. hope you have a better day tomorrow. love ya

  3. Hi My "munchkin" is 3 and she does the EXACT same thing. It really is hysterical. I posted some funnies on my blog too. :)


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