66 As a 1930s wife, I am Take the test! |
And today, the K-man did "Ew, Gross" on the potty again....by telling me he needed to go....and this time, he didn't wait until he'd already started doing it in his diaper. He didn't really want to go tonight, but I'm hoping it's cuz he really didn't need to and not cuz he's regressing again. LOL. He did wet through TWO outfits tonight though. I'm not kidding, the kid has a TON of liquid excretions!!! I took him to the potty and he did enough to put out a small fire....and then he STILL wet through another pair of pants not even an hour later!!! What in THE WORLD?
We took the kids to see the Sea Monsters 3D at the Imax down at Broadway on the Beach. K-man LOVED it after the first initial terror of seeing these monsters on a giant screen in 3D....all except for the few times the monsters with the sharp teeth came flying right at his level,....if they looked like they were going over or under us....or to the sides, he was fine....and even for the parts when he got scared, wouldn't let me cover his eyes or hide his face for NOTHING. The kid is gutsy. LOL. Unfortunately, Munchkin cried the first five minutes and spent the rest of the time cowering on KC's lap and only looked at the screen during the desert scenes of the archaeologists finding the bones. But then of course,after she found out that K-man enjoyed it, she said she just LOVED it . She is so four right now. All attitude. Boy, I just can't wait til four-TEEN. I'm sure this is only a teeny tiny glimpse of the joys that await. *huge sigh*
Well, going to go to bed now...it's almost midnight and the elephants do not seem to be winding things down upstairs, so I'm off to round up those trusty earplugs. Night!
Thanks again for your sweet comments...you guys always make me smile...and sometimes laugh out loud (most recently thanks to johnnyism...LOL) and I do appreciate the comments...no doubt about that! I just want you guys to be able to get my responses when they might be expected. *smiles*
This message has been paid for and approved by....me.
Course, blogging is free, but it sounded funnier to say it the other way. HEHE.
First you have a bed that needs the sheets changed. So you take the top of the comforter (you know...the part that you tuck under your chin at night) and fold it in half by pulling it toward the bottom of the bed so the top is even with the bottom of the comforter.
Then you grab the middle, where it's folded at, and pull it down so it piles neatly on the floor with the halfway fold at the top.
Then, when it's time to make the bed back up, you grab that little fold (see lovely illustration below) and repeat the process in reverse. (In other words, pull the folded half of the comforter back up to the midpoint of the bed and then grab the top and unfold it by pulling it back up to the "under the chin" point of the bed again.)
Ending, of course, back at the beginning again. Doesn't that beat having to sort out which end is up on the comforter?? I think so. *GRIN*I hope you enjoyed this little tip....maybe you even laughed (like KC just did -- LOL)....oh well....maybe everyone else has already taken bedmaking 101, but either way...it works for me.
No, it was just water....but it's a pretty goofy shot (Uncle Mark)
And then a pretty good shot of Dad and Grandma Lynn
Another one of Uncle Mark, Dad, and Grandma Lynn
And finally...I uploaded all of Uncle Darren's pictures from his memory card, and this is one he took of me....taking one of him....LOL.
Dad gets a little crazy after going through and cleaning four grocery bags full of currants, ready to wash and cook....
Dad makes a little bit of a mess, when he overfills one of the jars....mom to the rescue. *GRIN*
I don't remember how many jars they had when they finished, but there was plenty to share. *grin* A beautiful jar is in my fridge now. *smiles*
Bowling....Darren (above) and our scoreboard (below). LOL. Don't laugh too hard, okay? HAHA...in case you can't read the scores, just know this...most of us were just bowling for the fun of it....*GRIN*
Dad and Darren (above) and Uncle Mark bowling/me laughing at Dad (below)....not sure what was funny though. *grin*
And this is Grandma on a bench in her backyard. Dad snapped this one, but he did pretty good!
And then here are all the ones that show K-man that I have to post privately....
Okay. More pics later. =)
Thanks, ya'll, for the comments while I was gone. Will try to reply and read all ya'll's blogs really soon...*grin*
See me and K-man there, third car from the front? Munchkin and Cousin Carla were fifth from the front. Kids got a little terrified on this ride. LOL. Munchkin talked about the kiddy coaster going up and down and up and down but did NOT want to go again. LOL!
Click this link for a couple more of these shots with K-man in them....just can't post them here.