Monday, October 09, 2006


Things I've learned this morning:
  • 4:30am is not in my preferred hours of operation.
  • it doesn't matter what time you go to bed, 4:30am still comes too early.
  • a shower is not guaranteed to open your eyes at 4:30am...i don't care what ANYBODY says.
  • the things that run through your mind when you're stepping out of the shower at 4:30 in the morning can be very strange and out of the blue -- in-DEED. *GRIN* we won't even go any further with that....LOL.
  • and finally....i'm not real interested in making it a habit to haul my lazy rear out of bed that early on a normal basis.

it has been a highly educating case you haven't figured that out.

so. anyways. Things have been really busy in my lovely insane life. a log of my week (which is going to yield awesome results in time off....after this is all over):

Sunday: Up around 7, workin on the laundry. Leave for church at 9:15, church until 12:15, and drive to *the town where I work* and grab some lunch. 1:30-6:30: work like person....well anyways...head back home and grab a pizza on the way....home at 7:30. watch a movie instead of working like I should have to make this morning a little easier since I did NOT get everything finished. and then to bed.

Monday: Up guessed it....4:30....leave at work by 6:30 and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. *sigh* this will be the story of my week. Will get to leave around 8pm or so tonight.

Tuesday: plan to get here by 7am, work until 4:30, and then drive home to class at 5:30 which will last until 8:30...and then home to bed.

Wednesday: plan to get here by 7am, work until....UGH....10pm....then home to bed.

Thursday: plan to get here by 7am, work until 4:30, and then drive home to class at 5:30 which will last until 8:30....and then home to bed...(hmmm...that sounds familiar)

Friday: plan to get here by 7am, work until 6pm and then home. I'm thinking i might have a few minutes on Friday night.....likely will be filled with doing class homework...*SIGH*

Saturday: plan to get here by 9:30 or 10am, work until 7pm and then home to DIEEEEEEE.

UGH. I am so tired. I will now erase all that from my mind as I'm finding it is making me MORE tired. LOL.

I've had a lot of stuff that has been on my mind that I really want to write down, but I am not in a position to "deep think" enough right now to post might be scary actually if I wrote what I was thinking without the "deep thinking" capabilities that would be necessary to keep me from saying something dumb....kinda like how this is sounding dumb. Okay. I give up.


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