Friday, October 13, 2006

Good gravy!

its friday the thirteenth.....i am so not superstitious but today really HAS been a 13 day. Speaking of thirteens....I forgot to do yesterday's Thursday Thirteen.

Should I attempt it? Yah sure why not.

What shall it be about?

How about thirteen random things that have happened already on this friday the thirteenth. (in no particular order)
1. my car felt like it was driving funny on my way to first thing I think about? Oh great, please don't tell me that tire is flat again....unfortunately its dark and I can't see in my mirrors to tell if they are flat or not. So I get to a stop light and check the driver side and then pull over and check the other side....everything is good. weird.
2. speaking of coming to work....i overslept. and instead of killing myself to get ready in time....i just take my sweet time....i mean its not like i've been actually NEEDED at 7 so far this week.
3. so I come in to work about 10 minutes late (after oversleeping for 30 minutes past when I should have gotten up) and am hit by a desperate need for those cd labels "RIGHT NOW." Oh....lovely way to start my day.
4. sit down to write out some envelopes and someone who will remain nameless came over and started asking some deep the person who will remain nameless....this is not a good week to ask questions which require a lot of thought. I'm nearly brain dead and not really thinking clearly. BUT....I will have to say that they were good questions which I shall ponder in greater detail once my brain is functioning normally again.
5. opened a dove promises....which had a strange message (unfortunately my brain isn't functioning normally and I don't remember what the message was....oh wait, that would be my memory and it never functions normally.....ROFL)
6. i am not paraskevidekatriaphobic (that is to say: skeered of friday the 13th....BWAHAHAHA....gotta love yahoo...its a beautiful thing....that and google. LOL)
7. i was listening to 89.3 coming to work this morning and they had an interview with a british couple about God TV in Great Brittain or something (it wasn't daylight yet, so I have a good reason to NOT remember). Anyways, so I'm driving along and repeating all the words they say in a british accent and thinking about how it would look if it were spelled the way they are saying it. Like she said high water....but the way she said it, I think it would be spelled worter--emphasis on the t. Yeah well anyways, like I said, it wasn't daylight yet....but I'm weird like that at all hours of the day.....oh well. *GRIN*
8. a different someone who shall also remain nameless was talking to me on the phone this morning and put me on hold. And never came back.....they forgot me. Not only that, its the second time its happened this week...ROFL! Obviously I'm not alone in my memory issues. *GRIN*
9. i'm having trouble coming up with thirteen things that have happened....i'm going to have to change gears and go to random things that have run through my head this morning.
10. do we really have a choice if God is sovereign and he already knows the choice we're going to make?
11. is it better to be aware of the fact that you are quite possibly not sane or would ignorance be bliss in that case? b/c there are some people that have i have seen this week that appear to be VERY blissful.
12. that first nameless someone has a really really really cute little boy....and really pretty girls, too! they were all here this morning. AWWWW.
13. this chicken salad sandwich is yummy. wait...ya know, this doesn't really taste like chicken...i think this is TUNA. Well anyways. i think i'm going to go finish whatever this is that I'm eating.


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