Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hurray! Time to head out!

Just thought I'd hop on here really quick and say hey, since I'm sure you've really missed me in the last day and a half. ( probably didn't even notice that I didn't post, huh? LOL) Anyways, I was sick yesterday and doing other things here at work today but I did want to make a quick post.

I got the second quote on my car today...looks like I might be on "beans and rice" type meals for more than six months. *SIGH* This guy said $450 (IF he didn't have to replace the bumper). I'm going to get a guy to get the third quote to make sure these guys aren't trying to gyp me cuz I'm a woman. We shall see....if they are, it will only reinforce my opinion of the scumminess of the average male.

I need something random really quick....I haven't had anything really...RANDOM in a while. I think its time again. Okay think fast (I have 4 minutes).....

Got it...this is one of my most hated personality traits: I procrastinate. How does somebody FIX that problem? I can't stand it. I always try to do better, and really, I do okay about being on time, I just can't get things DONE on time. If I have a deadline, you better best believe it will be done about 5 minutes AFTER the deadline has passed. If I don't have a deadline, might get done sometime. Maybe. So I have to get over this. Ya know, maybe I'll think about this later....I don't have a deadline....except that its 5:00....which means I can go...I like that deadline.

LATER................... =) =) =)

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