Monday, May 22, 2006

Another Fun Monday

Well...its rainy. Rainy = sleepy. I wish I were home in bed right about now. *sigh* I wish there were some other way of watering the earth besides rain....its incredibly depressing. Guess I'm probably one of those people who wouldn't survive in Seattle. LOL. For sure, I wouldn't be classified as SLEEPLESS in Seattle...with all the gloomy weather I've heard they have, I'd probably be HIBERNATED in Seattle....ROFL!

Anyways, I got the first quote on repairs for my poor damaged Honda. Really nice guy....I think he probably gave me as good a price as I'll get anywhere. $400 was the ballpark figure. According to my calculations, if I eat beans and rice for lunch and bring drinks and snacks from home instead of using the vending machine, then I'm saving approximately $15-20 a week and at that rate, in about six months I should be able to pay for the repairs. LOL. Good thing I don't mind beans and rice huh? Ask me how I feel about them in six months...I'm betting (if I gambled that is) that I won't feel quite the same then. *GRIN*

So, there's not a whole lot else to say. I added some new photos to my gallery. Some formal ones for a change of pace. Thats about all thats happenin! So I'm back off to work now...


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