Monday, June 29, 2009

I Need Help

No really.  In so many ways, I can’t even begin to tell you!  LOL!  But seriously, I really need someone to tell me what my kid is saying and where in the WORLD it may have come from. 

He says (and I’m typing it exactly the way he sounds):
”Listen, Poo-Jo!  Do NOT dees ba boys!”

K-man is very emphatic when he says it and I’ve googled it…and I don’t know how to spell it, but I’ve tried all kinds of spellings and can’t find ANYTHING.  So does anyone have any ideas? 

I’m guessing it is from a movie since he loves quoting movies, and I’m also guessing it’s probably a little warped from the original line, but does it sound familiar to anyone?  He sounds hilarious when he says it but I’m just can’t quite figure it out. 

Also falling in the category of reasons I need help, would be my little pyrotechnic stunt that I pulled with the grill tonight. 

You know.  I have never lit a grill before.  A gas grill.  Like the one on our back deck.  KC tells me to get it started so it will be hot for him when he gets home.  So he’s on the phone and he’s going to “WALK ME THROUGH IT” right? 

IMG_8720So he does.  Turn all the knobs on high.  And push the light button. 

He neglected to tell me that I should open the lid before doing that.  There was a BIG boom.  My arm hairs are singed off.  I’m lucky my shirt didn’t catch on fire because the flames came out as far as I was standing.  The neighbor came over to see what was wrong because “that didn’t sound like fireworks.”  He proceeded to kindly explain why the grill exploded and then calmly started it the correct way.  Thankfully it still worked!

KC says he didn’t tell me because he figured it was common sense to open the lid before cranking the grill.  I say, as long as you’ve been married to me, how is it that you are still under the delusion that I am in possession of the minutest ounce of common sense?  

I walked around for a good half hour smelling something odd before I realized that IMG_8730all my arm hairs on my right arm (the one that was hitting the start button) were white and curled and if you touched them, they fell off.  That’s when I figured out that I was smelling my roasted arm hairs. 


FYI, hamburgers and hotdogs smell much better on the grill than my arm hairs. 

PS Perhaps I’m stating the obvious, but The Grill Master working the grill in these pictures…was not me!

PPS Don’t forget, if you have any ideas on what the kid might be saying…  Please fill me in! 


  1. Girl! Glad you're still with us! That could have been a little more nasty than singed armhair! Are your eyebrows still in tack? :o) I've tried to wrack my brain on K-man's phrase, but nothing is coming to me. Let me know what it means if you ever figure it out. Kids say some of the cutest things sometimes. :o)

  2. So glad you are okay! Though that sounds so much like something I would do...

    As for the the phrase I'm sorry I can't help you. If it suddenly comes to me I'll let you know. :-) Be sure to tell us what it is if you ever find out.

  3. i don't have any guess to what he is saying but that is too funny about you lighting the grill :)

  4. Your grill story kind of reminds me of the hair dryer in the car incident....


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