Sunday, February 22, 2009

K-man Interview

  • What is something dad always says to you? Go to church
  • What is something mom always says to you? PLAYGROUND!
  • What makes dad happy? Playground
  • What makes mommy happy? Happy.
  • What makes dad sad? Blow.
  • What makes mommy sad? Happy.
  • How does dad make you laugh? He got my nose.
  • How does mom make you laugh? Tickle.
  • How old is your dad? I don't know.
  • How old is your mom? Four
  • How tall is your dad? Tall.
  • How tall is your mom? Tall.
  • What is daddy's favorite thing to do? Bump my nose.
  • What is mom’s favorite thing to do? Um. Don't know.  Let's see.
  • What does your dad do when you're not around? Race cars.
  • What does your mom do when you're not around?  Um. I don't know.
  • What is your dad really good at? He be good.
  • What is your mom really good at? Being good.
  • What is your dad not very good at? Don't know.
  • What is your mom not very good at? In the car.
  • What does your dad do for his job? Race cars (i'm guessing he's talking about the car KC drives to work cuz he calls it "the race car")
  • What does your mom do for her job? Take a bath (again, I'm just guessing but I think he means I give THEM baths...LOL!)
  • What is your dad's favorite food? Pasgetti and meatballs.
  • What is your mom’s favorite food? Pizza and meatballs.
  • If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be? Mickey Mouse
  • If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Scooby Doo
  • How are you and your dad the same? blue.
  • How are you and your mom the same? don't know.
  • How are you and your dad different? a train.
  • How are you and your mom different? playin cars.

    Okay, I think this was a little over his head since he made NO sense. LOL.  Some of the answers are funny though, so I figured I'd post it anyways.  His comprehension kinda stinks.  This is what I get when I tell him to do something, too....completely clueless.  *sigh*  He is smart at lots of stuff though, so I can't complain. 


    1. Got a nice chuckle out of that myself. :o) Try again next year.

    2. *LOL* I can just hear K-man giving those answers.

    3. K-man is cute ! Sweet kid !


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