Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ten On Tuesday: Simple Pleasures

10 Simple Things that Make You Happy

1. Walking into the faintest aroma of hubby's cologne and knowing he's been there.
2. Completely empty laundry hampers and folded clothes in their places.
3. Fuzzy/comfy jammies on a cold rainy day.
4. Watching the new grass grow in the backyard. Seriously...it's so green and it's not dying like all the grass we've sown before....ahhhhh. It like sprouted overnight....SOOO cool.
5. Not needing to go anywhere except to get the kids on this rainy day....

--So far, these are all simple things from TODAY, only the hampers aren't ALL empty yet, and the clothes aren't ALL folded yet...LOL....and now I guess I'll list a few that aren't necessarily from today--

6. The "just-cut-grass" smell.
7. Sitting on the beach and just watching/listening to the ocean.
8. Finishing projects.
9. Finishing projects BEFORE the deadline....hey this is a list of things that make you happy...not necessarily things that make you happy FREQUENTLY. LOL!
10. Munchkin crawling in bed with me in the mornings and actually letting me continue to sleep. Okay, that was another TODAY one, but the addendum on 9 would still apply to this one, too....hahaha. Love her anyways.

Okay....that's my Ten On Tuesday....and here's a challenge to my IRL friends who either don't blog often or are looking for something to blog about....you people know who you are....go do this Ten. It's a fairly easy one and fun to boot! Hah!



  1. Just read your bio - we sound a lot alike! I'm not tall though, just average...

    Love the list :)

  2. Great to read your list.

    My list can be found ::here::.

    Enjoy your day.

  3. Maybe that should be a rule for every blog...but then again I would probably quit blogging!!! BTW the cologne that our husbands bought at the beach is fabulous!!! I love smelling it and 'walking into the aroma' scent!

  4. Wendy...SERIOUSLY...our hubbys have excellent taste...in cologne AND women...hey, they picked us, right?!!! HAHA.

  5. Good ones, especially #6!

    I played too!

  6. Happy 10 on Tuesday!
    Not needing to go anywhere, and staying in comfy jammies is a winning combo!

  7. Congrats on your new grass. I have a nice set of weeds in the backyard. :-) Its just too shady back there.

  8. Great list...Gotta agree with all yours, except probably 4. Watching grass grow is a little slow for me. LOL But #7, took me back to vacation. I LOVE sitting at the ocean and just listening. So relaxing.

  9. Anonymous3:41 AM

    That what I could a real simple pleasures.. sumtin we really need to commend all the simple things in life to be happy!

    My 1st time here: http://www.mypreciousniche.com/2008/09/ten-on-tuesday.html


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