Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ten On Tuesday: Scare Factors

Today's Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things that Scare You/Freak You Out
(The above link takes you to the Ten On Tuesday site to see more participants or to join in....)

In perfectly random order:
  1. Snakes (of any kind....although I did get up the nerve to hold one at a 4-H show several years ago....it was still freaky)
  2. Spiders/Creepy Crawlies
  3. Hitchhikers (is it just me or is it a requirement for hitchhikers to be freaky looking....I mean, I realize they may be down on their luck, but in those giant sized duffel bags they carry, don't they have any kind of grooming tools at all? Not that I'd pick'm up anyways...nothin personal, they just scare me)
  4. Scary movies (yes, it is kind of the point of a scary movie...to scare you...but I don't like them anyways....they all are so predictable. Duh, she's going to walk down that dark hallway by herself, knowing there's somebody back there, duh, he's going to try to be brave and run outside to fight the monsters....ugh)
  5. Glowing eyes
  6. The current pitiful economy
  7. Sharks
  8. House fires
  9. Nightmares (that's a given)
  10. The possibility of running into one of our kids biological units out in town...or worse, running into them when our kids are with us....if that don't make you want to move far away, I don't know what would!

Okay...so there's ten....got much to do today, so must go away now. Thanks for dropping by!



  1. Good list! I'm right there with you on all of these!

  2. Hi, Faith,
    I am so with you on NOT watching scary movies. I want to think about things that are beautiful and praiseworthy. Also, I think some of those gory/scary movies tend to make people insensitive to the very real suffering that is going on all around us in the world.

  3. What about Hitchhikers WITh glowing eyes .... in the dark ...
    Now I'm making myself scared!!!!

  4. I'm with you on 1 & 2. Absolutely abhor spiders.

    3& 4 not so much. Scary movies are just stupid and are filled with blood and gore. The weirdos in our society do not need fresh ideas on how to destroy others...What is Hollywood thinking? Oh wait...they aren't.


    6.Is a little shaky, well- ALOT shaky. Just means we need to hold a little tighter to our Savior's hand....

    7.Never think about it unless I'm swimming in the ocean which seems to be....once every 5 years...bummer.

    8.Think smoke detectors. And have a planned escape route....

    This one crosses my mind when Mike is out of town. Like how can I get to BOTH my boys at once?

    God knows.

    9.I won't even go there except to say that this is something that I deal with on a continual basis.

    10. I'll pray for you on this one, K?


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