Thursday, September 11, 2008


(2) Blog posts that I've started in the last two days and saved as drafts.

(1) Court date for K-man that was postponed another month (ugh, don't get me started...all I can say is that I really hope that the bio-m doesn't appeal the TPR -- WHEN it happens....hopefully next month --, cuz if she does, that is going to drag it out another 12 months -- found that out from the social worker yesterday. EEK. There isn't much chance she could get him back, even if she appeals, it just drags it out. That would mean he would be almost 4 or 4.5 by the time he could be adopted. *sigh*)

(2.5) Times I've eaten out already today. (1/2 because I stopped before storytime to get K-man a burger and I ate a few of his fries and 2 because KC took me to breakfast before work....yeah, I know, awwww....but the rest of the story is that it was because we had to take one of the vehicles to the shop, so we were out early this morning and then K-man and I ate lunch with Kelly and the boys after storytime at the library this morning. I didn't know we'd be going to lunch afterwards, or I would have waited to get him the burger. LOL.)

(1) Cold cup of icewater that I ended up wearing this morning when I was holding it with my arm trying to get K-man out of the car....when it popped and drenched me. And it was already rainy and cold....*shiver*

(3) Projects I should be working on instead of blogging

(2) Number of watered-down-nasty fountain Dr Pepper's I've had today.

(5) Minutes it took K-man to get completely drenched and stink up his pullup while playing on the Mickey-D's playplace....we didn't think about it being so rainy when we picked an outdoor playplace to take the kids after storytime...hehe. It wasn't raining when we got there, and it was barely misting when we left, but the equipment had enough water in it to make K-man look like he'd been swimming by the time we left...and was only about 10 minutes that we let them play. LOL

(4) completely separate times the Munchkin came into my room yesterday morning between 6:50 and 7:08, with an average visit time of 2 minutes each....and in case you're wondering, (3) was the number of times I asked her nicely to please be quiet and lay still or else go play quietly in her room until it was time for the rest of us (aka me and K-man) to get up. The fourth time I was getting a little frustrated.

(45) Minutes left before I need to get K-man woke up and get to the school to pick up Munchkin. My, my, my....where has today gone?

Gotta run!!!!!


  1. That's were suppose to have court today. I forgot. Glad we got to spend time together, though.

    I can still envision K-man at the entrance of the tunnel, hesitant to go in...then when he finally crossed the netting....the DOWN POUR! That was funny!

    I'm definitely ready for the R-ton trip....I'm feeling the need (okay, want) for a really good book.

  2. your day sounds very normal with kids in it.. LOL. one day.. it will be all gone.. like it is here.. just quiet.. quiet..quiet.. I am not sure which will drive you crazy first.. LOL. I hope and pray all goes well with little K-man.


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