Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well, I'm bummed out.  I was all productive (well, for part of the day I was) and then tonight around 8:45 I realized I totally missed SNO (Sister's Night Out) with the girls from church.  And I was soooo looking forward to it, too. 

But, no use cryin' over spilt milk, I reckon, so I'll just move right on.  At least I did get to visit with a Sister today when I went over to her house to go through her grandson's outgrown clothes.  And K-man is set for summer shirts now, so that's a double blessing.

I woke up this morning with a splitting headache and after I took the kids to school, I came back and was so sick on my stomach I could hardly even stand the thought of taking migraine medicine, but I made myself take it, and then laid down on the couch and pulled a blanket over my head to block out the light (which helped quite a bit).  Only I fell asleep.  And woke up around 11:30 with only a slight trace of the headache.  Thank God (and Excedrin) for that, at least, even if the day was half gone.

You know, I have some thoughts on that medicine business.  I've heard people say that you should trust God to heal you and not take medicine.  I've heard others say that you can trust God AND take the medicine because God is the one that allows the medicine to work.  And then of course there's everyone else on the "if you don't have faith to believe God is gonna heal you, just take the medicine" wagon.  I'm not sure which wagon I'm riding in...but I was thinking the other day that saying you can take medicine but God allows the medicine to work or not is kinda like saying you can take illegal substances and if God doesn't want you to get high, they won't affect you.  Which is obviously not a good theory at all.  Know what I mean?  Anyways.  I DO think that God gave man wisdom to create the medicine and if it makes my headache go away, I can thank God that the medicine exists.  LOL.  In a round about way, if God hadn't created man, then medicine wouldn't have been created either, so therefore God is responsible for all of it.  However, that would make God also responsible for the EVIL things that man has created also and this is making my head hurt again. 

IMG_3132webMoving on.

I took this picture of myself in this new shirt a friend got for me.  LOL.  Anyways, I forgot to post it earlier, and since it fit with this post, I figured why not?  LOL!  Please excuse the snake of wet hair on the right and the brief appearance of my double chin at the top of my neck.  I tried to chop it off but I missed a little bit.  And since it's hard to take a picture of the entire shirt while I was wearing it, it says: Randomosity (random flower) on the first line and then on the next line it says: Because you just NEVER know!!  I love the shirt, it's super comfy (I think that's cuz it's a guys shirt, but that doesn't bother me...comfort is priority...LOL!), and of course the word is rockin.  Not that I'm prideful or anything.  Tehehehe. 

In other news, there's a new addition to the recipe box in my sidebar.  I made the variation so I named it the way I cooked it.  Crock Pot Dr. Pepper Ham.  LOL...go check it out.  It was heavenly.  The bottom of the ham got a little too done I think but that was probably because I left it on high a little longer than I was supposed to.  But of course it still turned out good...anything with Dr Pepper simply COULDN'T taste bad. 

And I did have a Dr Pepper on my birthday.  I've done a little bad over the month of February, so now the number of DP's I've had this year would probably take 3 or 4 hands but that's still good considering we're in month THREE.  I just wanna know who made Dr. Pepper.  They put a little too much addictability in it. 

Addictability: the addictive property of an element.
-Dictionary of Faith

Anyway, this has been your weekly dose of random, hope it wasn't TOO boring.  If it was, you can watch this video and I'm sure your boredom will magically disappear.  Oh and you might want to use the bathroom before you hit play.

Have a pleasant evening!!!  =)


  1. i am glad your head ache went away, i had a terrible one last night too. as soon as i had a good nights rest i was fine. as far as the whole medicine thing goes, i grew up using very little medicine. if it was necessary we took it but if not we just went with out because things such as pain killers aren't fixing what is causing the pain it just masks it. All that to say, if you need or want medicine TAKE IT, if not don't. I am horribly neutral on the subject :)

  2. Sorry you missed SNO . The Randomosity shirt is cute !

  3. I loved the video . Americas Funniest Home Videos are my favorite !

  4. I wonder how many ppl got hurt to make us laugh?

  5. Well, Jules, if you're referring to the video, I figure the people involved pretty much made their own choices as to what they wanted to do while being recorded. I feel quite certain that no one forced them to dance...or to try daring moves that obviously didn't work so well for them. If I chose to try stunts like that on camera, I grant the right to laugh to anyone, myself included. LOL =)

  6. People that say you shouldn't take meds have NEVER had a migraine. They are the spawn of Satan. *firm nod* Take those meds, it sure beats what they make you feel like doing to yourself. We take medicine as a last resort, but I'm on the wagon that believes that why God gave mankind the intelligence to invent it - for our use/comfort. Awesome video!!

  7. The verse that comes to mind about God creating the Evil and the Good, goes something like this: Thou hast made man upright, but man has sought out many inventions. God made us upright to begin with, and once we get to accountability, we are moral free agents to decide from there. :) As for aspirin or non-aspirin, I'm thankful for it, and though some have and will misuse this creation, I choose not to. Hope you get to feeling better. ;)

  8. I love the shirt and the video!!! I watched it with my friend n we were both laughting!

  9. Anonymous7:03 PM

    As far as the medicine goes, I guess anything can be used for good or evil. Everything in moderation. God gave man the intelligence to figure things out, why not use it for our good? Anyway, isn't that what we're supposed to do? But, to each his own.

    Nice shirt. The video made me laugh out loud!


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