Friday, July 25, 2008

Breathe....just breathe.....


So I packed the car up tonight to go to the flea market. Maybe tomorrow, when it is daylight, MAYBE, I will get the chance to take a picture of it when I get to the fleamarket before I start unloading it. It will take forever to get all of it unloaded, organized, and spread out on the tables.

I still have two boxes and two bags of clothes and a rocking horse that won't make it in this time. Maybe another sale. I sure hope I can get rid of at least HALF of that mess so I won't have to spend another two hours trying to get it all to fit back in the car to bring home. LOL!

You would not believe the car, though....I had to leave K-man's carseat in, since he gets to tag along with me (Munchkin's at Mawmaw's again) but the poor guy will have barely an inch of space around him. It is literally packed floor to ceiling. I had to un-bag the garbage bags of clothing and sheets and wedge them in all the cracks between/under/around/on top of the boxes, to make use of every available square inch of space. It is hilarious.

In other news, sorry for disappearing off of here for a few days. I had the V-kirk time was at a premium around here the last few days. Hahaha. Nah, it was fine...I just didn't get a chance to get on here much. We had a couple of boys staying with us for a few days while our friends were out of town, and they were on the computers every chance they got, I wasn't mad about it though. There were lots of other things that I needed to be doing besides playing on the computer. Haha.

There really hasn't been much else going on....oh yeah, I've got a handful of new "IRL" bloggers on my list in the sidebar....YAY! Go give some comment love to the two I added this week: Susan and Tracy....I'm sure they'd really appreciate it.

Heh. Got caught up in surfing after I linked those guys and forgot about this post....LOL. Figured I should come back and hit post...since I'm obviously fresh out of interesting topics. *GRIN*


PS A K-man funny from tonight. I was walking with him in the store, he was holding my hand and he kinda walked a little in front of me and my pinkie toe stubbed on the back of his was quite painful. I was like ow ow ow and tried to keep walking but I was in a bit of pain cuz I caught the back of his shoe pretty hard when he says, "Stop whinin', mommy!" It took about 5 seconds for it to register what he said (ya know...the pain and all...LOL) but when it finally registered, I was like...hey whoa up here, that's MY line! You can't tell ME that! ROFL.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, I know all about the yard sell piles! We have had 2 this year and already making plans for the fall one. LOL! Don't ask me where the stuff comes but it piles up around this house!!! I hope you do really good selling! (Then you can go spend it buying more) J/K!:)

    Also NO more whining...that was great! Tonight Brycen told me I was getting on his nerves!


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