Monday, June 16, 2008


I tried to do a Monday Messages, but I'm just not feeling it today. I typed about 5 different first lines and just scratched them all and gave up. Today was busy....unpacking, laundry, cleaning house....all from being gone for the weekend.....whew. Total catchup.

Got a little extra tutor time in this afternoon since Morgs didn't have to leave right away, I made her do an extra lesson. Hehe. Slavedriver me. She did good...we worked about 3.5 hours and got through the going over of last weeks missed problems and then did four new lessons. So that's progress.

While we were working this afternoon, I got another call from DSS. A six year old little boy. I asked for more information, and he sounds like he's coming from a very similar situation, with a lot of the same issues, that bouncer had when he first came to stay with us. While I am up to that kind of a challenge, he has some other issues that the bouncer DIDN'T have, that would make it problematic for this kid to stay with us. Nothing really serious, or anything that we wouldn't be able to deal with, I'm sure, just some problems with violence (hitting, etc) that would be an issue b/c he would have to share a room with K-man who has had the same tendencies. I really don't want any major brawls, plus, K-man's came a long way in that area, and I don't want to trigger regression there. And then the other issue is that the other boy would be a considerable amount bigger than K-man and he doesn't have any younger siblings, so I would constantly be afraid he might actually hurt K-man, and that is totally not an option. Anyways, I had to say no, b/c the kids who are here now, come first. I think we're ready for another one, but it will have to be the RIGHT one. And until we are asked to take that right one, we'll just have to keep saying no. I hate that, b/c I'd take them all if I could. But I just can't.

Anyways, that was a bit of blathering. In other news, tonight, we planted another 12 plants of monkeygrass and mulched around them down that side of the drive that we didn't get finished. I still have to go tomorrow and get another three plants to finish up that side though....but then that side will be finished and all the unsightly weed control fabric will be covered up. *grin* Wooooohooo!

And speaking of that hard work we was cooler after the sun went down, but not THAT cool, so I REALLY need to go take a shower. I got on here b/c KC was in the shower but now it's almost bedtime and I still feel I'm going to go wash the grubby off. *grin*



  1. Do you feel like sharing your yard work expertise and visit my yard??? PLEASE!!??

  2. I know your heart breaks for that little boy, but it sounds like you did make the right decision for your family. What a hard job this must be for you. I know it must kill you to say no to a hurting child.

    Ugh, is right!

  3. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Glad you are back from Camp Meeting. Sorry we missed it but that's how it goes when the kids get sick....

    Way to go with Mormie's tutoring. Hope she is making progress by leaps and bounds.

    Sorry about the little boy. It's hard to make decisions like that but I am so glad that we have the privilege to pray to a Father who cares....I love the peace that comes from doing what is right, even when it seems like the wrong decision at the time.

    Love ya.

  4. I'm sure it's hard to say no to taking a child, but your right, you've got to put your family first and know what you can and cannot handle. The right one will come along in time and then you'll be happy you made the decisions you did. :o) Keep smile'n.

  5. Anonymous8:50 AM

    MONKEY GRASS!!!??!!!???!!??!!??


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