Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

I couldn't decide what to title this post. So here are several alternate titles, just b/c I hate to think of titles and not use them: "He Cried." "Picture Overload" "Did You Miss Me" "Total Withdrawal".....well, obviously I was not having a problem coming up with a title tonight. Anywho.
So here is the famous picture that made his eyes get a teeny bit damp:

I think (MAYBE) you can click on it to see it bigger if you can't read the poem. Poem is one I found on the internet by googling "Daddy's Girl Poems" or something like that.

And then the next picture (I hope it is next...blogger uploads pictures REALLY STRANGE sometimes) is the actual gift...I framed it for him. It turned out very nice. Judging by his reaction, I think he liked it. *grin*

Oh yeah, and pardon the pitiful pictures....I didn't bother taking good pictures of all my projects.

Then there's the Father's Day cards I made for each of the grand-dad's and then the "Top Dad" card for KC.

And one of the wooden handprint pieces that I helped the kids do for the grandpa's.

And now for the picture overload:
We went to both of the parents for a few hours each for Father's Day...well, we beat my inlaws home and while we were waiting around, had some fun with my camera. Until the battery died. Then we contented ourselves to go let the munchkin lock us out of their house while we sat on the front porch swing. LOL. Fun afternoon. *grin*
She was singing and I could NOT get her to stop....she'd say "cheese" and then go right back to singing, so when the camera actually clicked, her mouth was open. ARGH. And we won't even talk about K-man. He is in total defiant stage and would not cooperate for much of anything today, much less photographs. Oh well....I can't post them here anyways.

This is the look I get when I tell her to stop singing.....

AND have mommy and daddy through the four-year-old's eyes.

A couple of interesting things to note about this picture....

1. We were ducking to try to get in range of the viewfinder....and she still cut off our heads.

2. Mommy has REALLY long arms.

Then Daddy got hold of the camera....for two last pictures and then it died. And here are the last moments before the death of the battery....

Okay. That's it for picture overload. So are you overloaded? Oh yeah, and did you miss me? We went away to campmeeting, a couple of hours away from home, for the weekend, so I checked my mail Friday morning, and then left my computer at home and didn't even use KC's to check my mail while we were gone. I went almost 2 whole days with NO internet connection. *BIG GOOGLY EYES OF WONDER HERE*

Anywho. Speaking of withdrawals, I have had three. Dr. Peppers. Since last Monday. Count them. One on Friday night, one this morning, and one tonight. All three of those were absolutely necessary. Friday night we stopped and I got a combo and I absolutely refuse to pay for a drink and get water instead. So if I get a combo, I'm getting a drink. Then this morning, well.....K-man had an absolute breakdown while we were checking out of the hotel, which involved him falling to the floor and screaming and refusing to get up (all over the fact that he didn't get to push BOTH buttons in the elevator and had to give munchkin a turn....of all the nerve), and we of course had our hands full b/c we were taking all our stuff back to the car, so I couldn't pick him I just refused to let go of his hand, and pretty much had to drag him, screaming and crying the whole way, to the car. And then we had to ride halfway to church with him screaming in the car..... Yeah. I NEEDED that Dr. Pepper. And tonight....the combo problem again. Oh well. I think I'm doing pretty good.

It was kinda funny though, this afternoon on the ride home, KC says to me, "Honey, I guess a lot of people from campmeeting must read your blog, cuz a bunch of people kept asking me questions about things that I don't think they'd have known about otherwise." LOL!

I don't really think that many people read here, it might have been from Ringo, cuz there was a lot on there, but news has a way of travelling without anyone reading it on here. *GRIN*

Naughty me, didn't take any pictures over there either. I saw a bunch of people with cameras and saw a lot of flashes, but I don't know if any of those people have anywhere they post their pictures online or not. Oh well.

Other than a few little meltdowns, the kids did remarkably well for sitting through 12 hours of church (5 services) over a span of 2 days....I was pretty impressed.

Well, I think this might be a book now, so I'm gonna hop off.



  1. Your projects inspire me. I hope your husband felt loved!

    That is a cute little girl you have there.

  2. Anonymous1:20 AM

    How sweet is the picture of Casey and Munchkin, I luv it!!! Glad to see ya'll had a fun weekend away (minus the tantrums)! I know all about that with a 3 and 2 yr old myself, *GRIN*!!!
    I loved the cards too, Amy is always doing things like well one day I will maybe have more time!
    I love reading your blogs!

  3. Luvvved the pic & poem you did for Father's Day. Very sweet!!! I sense the creativity ooozzing out of you. ;-)

  4. Janelle -- thanks....I think he did. *grin* and we think she's pretty cute, too, but we might be a bit biased. *GRIN*

    Angie -- thanks, thanks, and thanks. *grin* so Amy does stuff like that? I didn't know that. Hmmmmm......

    Amy -- you hiding something? Like some creativity of your own??? *GRIN* Anyways, all my words were borrowed...unlike some otherwise blessed people...*AHEM* *grin* anyways, thanks. =)

  5. I love your pictures you took on Father's Day. Very sweet and loving. :o) Great ideas, too, for the gifts! Love your tallent girl!

  6. The Fathers Day project turned out great!! And I love all the pictures ya'll took. I know you wanted Munchkin to grin instead of sing, but I think the picture was adorable. Shows some personality. LOL Love ya!!

  7. That picture with the poem is INCREDIBLE! You are so creative!

  8. Anonymous2:28 PM

    The Dad's Day gifts turned out great! I remember the handprint poem from when I taught preschool, it was always a hit.

    I love the pic Munchkin took. Aside from cutting off your heads, she did good. The picture was perfectly straight! Two thumbs up!

  9. Awwwww!! Love the pics!! And the poem!

  10. i loved the pictures they are great.

  11. AWWWW>>>>Love you all!


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