Saturday, May 31, 2008


I win this round....cuz I'm gonna beat HIM to it today. LOL!

10 Positives - Day 3

1. I got to go scrapbook today.
2. I took the K-man with me, and he was an absolute angel.
3. I was super impressed with his behavior...he even laid down in the living room right where we were all scrapbooking, he did it right when I told him to, and I covered him with his blanket and gave him his jaff (giraffe) and he laid still right there and fell asleep. Slept a good hour and a half in the midst of everyone talking and laughing....good as gold. I was SOO impressed. Shocked, yes, but definitely impressed.
4. We got to grill out again last night.
5. Got another load of rock put down the bank last night, so we're that much closer to being finished.
6. Most of the laundry is finished...just a few small loads that I can finish Monday if I don't feel like doing it today. What am I saying....of COURSE I don't feel like doing it today. LOL. No worries....I'm still being positive. Let me rephrase that....I'm positive I don't feel like doing it today. ROFL!!!
7. I did three scrapbook pages today. *sigh* I guess that's positive. Better than zero. LOL.
8. I got the dusting, vacuuming, litterbox & trash duty done before I left to go scrapbooking, so I came home to a mostly tidy looking house.
9. Held a baby Six days old....and SOOO cute! Don't worry, honey, I'm not going to ask for one...hehehe. Now if it were a PUPPY, on the other hand.....*grin*
10. I'm looking forward to going to lunch with KC this coming week. I'm really liking the opportunity to meet KC on his lunch break now that I'm not working. It's kinda far to do it very frequently, but every now and's really nice.

That's ten....gotta hop off now and finish the Saturday housecleaning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm Stacy, Denise Bales sis-in-law. I got your Blog from her and i really love it. I also blog at Not as interesting as yours but I like it :)Keep it up! Stacy O


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