Sunday, July 05, 2009

Munchkin Quotes

I keep meaning to post these since the collection has gotten a bit large, so I IMG_3959guess now is as good a time as any.  These are from the last 6 months (age 4.75 – 5 years old)

"Whoa! I bet THAT hurt." -while watching the really bad dancing youtube clip

"Be PA-SHENT -- my young PAD-awan." -talking to K-man (a Yoda quote that gets repeated by the parental figures in this house quite often)

"Too bad, too sad." -after she was told "no" about something.

"Mom? When is Snowball & Jango going to have some baby cats?"
"Umm, (trying not to laugh) they don't have that feature."
"Maybe that's Snowball's problem. Maybe she wants some baby cats."
-after she finished looking at a picture book of cats

"No way, Jose!" -after she was told to do something and before she got consequences for smart-mouthin' mom

"____ (K-man's real name), will you pray for my boo-boo?"
"Thank you for ___'s boo-boo. A---men." (K-man)
"NO. Say help it to feel better."
"Hep ____'s boo-boo feel better. A---men." (K-man)
"No, ____. Say help it not to mind. and--"
"Hep it not to mind. AMEN." (K-man...then he walks off...guess he was getting a little tired of being bossed)

"I'm LARRY-BOY!" (K-man)
"No, you're just PLAIN OL' ____ (insert K-man's real name here)." (Munchkin)

"I'm getting old." (Mom)
"You're getting old? But you eat all your vege-tubbels?!?!" (Munchkin)

“Mom, Jango GROWED.  He is a BIG cat.  With a BIG belly!!!”

(standing in the kitchen, intently mashing buttons on her pink toy cell phone)
”What are you doing?” (Mom)

”I’m TEX’ING daddy!” (Munchkin in a “DUH” tone of voice)


  1. Cute. Already learnint to "text" and and such a young age. :o)

  2. i am cracking up over him thanking God for her boo boo, that is so funny :)


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