May or may not take junk pile to fleamarket in the morning. Somewhat uncomfortable doing it by myself, so I guess if Wen doesn't have time to do it with me in the morning, I'll just sleep in. No sweat. But that means a whole 'nother week of looking at this pile of junk. UGH.
I went through the final cabinets today....although I guess if I have another week before massive junk sale, I could go through the kitchen again. LOL.
Today was the bathroom cabinets and hall closet (the drawers with toiletries and first aid stuff....I found a couple of inhalers that have been expired for over 4 years....and some other first aid products and zit creme that had expiration dates in 2002 or before. EEK. Guess that was a much needed cleaning. LOL.
One thing I've noticed in cleaning out all these places that are generally "out of sight, out of mind" is that I have a lot of duplicates....for example, you know those plug-in things that are nightlights/fragrances? Well, they take refills. I found refills for those things in all of the following places: under the kitchen sink, in one of the end tables in the living room, in the laundry room, in the linen closet, under the bathroom sink. And no, they weren't stored in all of those places so that they would be close by where there was a plug-in. LOL. Now they are ALL in a basket over the dryer that is neatly labeled: FRAGRANCES. Along with all the bottles of air fresheners that were stored in all of those same places where the plug-in refills were. Of course, there were a few exceptions to the spray bottles of air freshener....I left one in each bathroom and in the stinky diaper-wearing kid's room. Maybe sometime I'll take a picture of all my neat organization skills at work. I should probably do that before it all gets messed up again, but I think I'll wait until I've had time to clean a little more. Like the spray and wipe kind of clean as opposed to the clutter removal kind of clean. Cuz I cleaned out the bathrooms today, but they are not "clean" yet. *smiles* I guess if I don't go to the fleamarket tomorrow, it will be a good time to work on "cleaning" and the car could use some help in that department, too.
Sheesh. Five o'clock doesn't mean quittin' time anymore *SIGH*
I do find myself sticking my head in the laundry room just to smell it though. I "clean" cleaned it when I cleaned out the clutter yesterday, so now it smells like clean laundry. Of course, that smell may be coming from the half a dozen bottles of air freshener that is now stored in the laundry room (my favorite --and hence, most often bought-- air freshener is "clean laundry"....hehehehehe). Whatever the reason, I find this cleaning thing to be rather addicting.
Unfortunately, I'm running out of "fun" things to organize. I guess I'm going to be reduced to organizing the dust bunnies underneath the couch next. LOL. Kidding. About organizing them, not about their existence...AHAHAH.
Sorry. It's late. Getting know. I don't have to spell it out.
I feel an urge to go get the camera and take a picture of my laundry room. I wish I could put a scratch and sniff on this blog.....*GRIN* Okay. So that won't happen, but here's some pictures. LOL. I wish I had taken "before" pictures, but suffice it to say that my 'ever-so-observant' Munchkin got up from her nap and wanted to know when I got a new dryer. ROFL. That's pretty bad, huh? I was like, honey, it's the same dryer, I just washed it off. LOL.
The big picture: including my "new" dryer. LOL!
And look, ain't it gorgeous? I love baskets. They make miscellaneous little pieces of this and that look all neat. And "anal" me....had to sort the hangers by color and style, too. ROFL. I love it.
And that's it. What can I's not a very big room. Maybe I'll do a full house tour of the rest of my organization projects after I get all the cleaning done. And next time, I'll try to remember to take "before" shots. That is, IF I let it get that nastified again. Hahaha.
Okay....KC's gone to bed before me again. I beat him last night, but I didn't blog last night. LOL. Anyways, i guess I'll go now. I wasn't in a very good mood and didn't feel like blogging, but there is something about doing this that is very therapeutic. Don't ask me what it is, cuz I have no idea. LOL. All I know is my headache is almost gone (of course, that might have been the Excedrin that took care of that part) and my mood is much lighter. It's all good. Now I'm going to bed.
Night, dear blog.
I LOVE organization! Your laundry room looks great! I like your new look too. Very cute and bright!
ReplyDeleteLove the organization!!! You realize that people pay experts (like you) to come in and help them organize, right?!
ReplyDeleteLOL...thanks guys. So Amy, what are you trying to say? *GRIN* Are you in the market for a professional organizer (not that i'd classify myself in those terms, but you know...hehehe) or just suggesting that I start something....hehehe!!! Anyways. thanks. =)
ReplyDeleteI mean I'd take your help but I'm fairly organized myself. I was thinking you could start a home-based business and hire me. LOL
ReplyDeleteROFL...I don't know how good I'd be at running my own business....why don't YOU run it and hire ME!?! LOL!!! =)
ReplyDeleteI am the same way on organizing my hangers. I just got all of my bathroom closets and drawers and hallway closet all oraganized too. Your laundery room looks GREAT!!! Now...if I could just get mine to look that great....