Monday, February 26, 2007

gotta love those

Sunday afternoon naps. Yesterday's cracked me up. I didn't want to go to sleep but KC wanted me to be near him, so I laid there and petted the cats for a few minutes until KC fell asleep. Then I had to get up and go find my camera.....check out the kit kats laying on KC.....


They NEVER lay this close to each was SO funny. They were just doing it so I could pet soon as I left the room for good, Jango came to find me in the other room and crawled up in my lap there. LOL.


And the view from my side of the bed.....teeehehe. this just makes me laugh!

It was really funny when KC kinda woke up a bit and was like what are you taking a picture of?? I told him I was taking pictures of the cats laying on him and he said....the cats are laying on me? Hehehe...he was obviously out of it otherwise he would have felt the combined weight of approximately 25 pounds sitting on his side. Hehehe.

Other random pictures:


My new favorite thing....lemonade by the glass....unfortunately I haven't been able to find it around I measured how many tsp is in each case anybody cares, its 4.5. So now I'm gonna use the big jars and my little tsp thing. LOL.


Woohoo....halfway through the indesign textbook. Stuck on Color it just me or is this the most boring thing in the book? Somebody please tell me I can skip this chapter.....the perfectionist in me is plodding through it.

Rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful. Saturday we went to Asheville and did a little shopping and then went by the hospital to see our friends who just had baby #2. Came back and went to a kid at church's b-day party. Then of course, church on Saturday night and Sunday.

In my opinion, Sunday services at church were some of the best I've ever seen. It was awesome. The message Sunday am was good and Sunday night was a "no preachin" service and it was sa-WEET! I mean, WOW. I don't think there was a dry eye in wasn't all "happy tears" but it kinda felt like there was a comforting peace there and no matter what was going on in your life, it would be okay b/c God was there, and He cared. That is such a great feeling.

Oh yeah, had a Dr. Pepper yesterday....I woke up with a headache on Sunday morning and figured since I already had a headache.....lemme tell ya, the DP was SO yummy. I spread it out over the whole day. Hehehe. Oh yeah, and my headache went away (not sure if it was the Excedrin or the DP that cured it.. LOL)

{this part of this post on the Private Blog}

and in case you missed why I now have a private blog, see here

Think thats about it for now....heading out now....catch ya'll....


1 comment:

  1. I just think it is so precious that he wanted you by him so he could sleep! And those cats!!! My dog only weighs 3 pounds (soaking wet) so those cats seem HUGE to me!


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