Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ooops...been naughty again

Missed another day. Bad me. I hate being that busy. Obviously I didn't ever come back and post pictures of my's one from my cell phone of the frame I altered....i hate pictures with my cell phone, they're so fuzzy and yucky, but its much more convenient to post on here when I can email it to myself to upload rather than have to go through the memory card to computer upload and then resize...bla bla blah....yeah, I'm lazy.

Anyways, work's been busy...but thats okay...the days past faster that way.

Yesterday I ordered this. I'm sooo excited...hope it gets here before Saturday cuz I really really really want to use it for the engagement pictures I'm supposed to take for my cousin and his fiancee. And I know its not a REALLY expensive lens...I've researched it an all that, but according to what I've read on it, you get a lot of bang for the buck and yes, its made out of plastic, but what isn't these days? I'll be careful....long as I'm careful, hopefully it will hold up. And the pictures I've seen that were taken with it....well...I'm SUPER excited to try it out. Yahooo....can't wait.

Yah and last night I played in the mud all evening. Got two flower boxes two to go...I might post pictures...(yah right....LOL. Well, I'll try anyways). I'll have to take before and after pictures of the next two....they were pretty sad looking. (oops).

Today I had a dentist appointment....and NO CAVITIES....YAY for me. So last appointment I had no cavities and then got a speeding ticket on my way to work. Sorta ruined the no cavity thing for me. Today I set my cruise within range of the speed limit and puttered by the cop that was sitting on the side of the road waiting for me...probably the same one that got me six months ago. Then when I got close to work, I decided to stop at Sonic and get a meal to reward myself for not getting a speeding ticket OR cavities.

My Sonic drink of the day was an Orange Cream Slush. That one gets a check mark. DEEE--lightful!!!! Yesterday was lemon fruit slush and it was yummy, too. MMM...mouth is watering thinking about it.

Speaking of drinks....this is day two without caffeine or Dr. Pepper. Not intentionally, I just have had other things to drink and didn't have anything with caffeine or pepper flavored in hmmm....wonder how long this will last. Not long, I'm sure.

Time for a meeting....catch ya.....


1 comment:

  1. There are sooo many choices at Sonic, I never know what to order. I'm gonn have to remember your favorites and try them. (As you can tell, I'm playing catch up on the blog. LOL)


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