Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Like An Old Lady

I feel like I can relate a little better to crotchety old people right now. Everything hurts, I can't get enough rest so the bags under my eyes would exceed carry-on restrictions if I were to take them on a plane, and my brain is so tired I'm making weird comparisons. Also, I'm grouchy and impatient. Still.

On the bright side, we have a house now! We still can't move in yet, because we bought a fixer upper and it needs fixered up. Which is also the explanation for my complete exhaustion...I've been painting about 12 hours a day for the last 2 weeks. And THAT could potentially explain the brain. Maybe it's not exhaustion but too many paint fumes. LOL. 

It's 8am, and the only reason I'm not already working is because I actually have a housecleaning job this morning that I have to go do before I can go over to the house. I am totally not making any sense but I had 5 minutes before I needed to leave, so I thought I'd pop in an blog since I've not had a chance to check it off on my bullet journal tracker since the last time I posted almost a month ago. (YIKES...I'm not doing very good with that. LOL) 

So here...a post, rambling, run-on as it is, I'm still alive, but ready to die. Like an old lady. 

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