Friday, July 16, 2010

It’s a PIRATE!


“Mom! Look!  Look, mom!  It’s a pirate!!”

“K-man!  Yes, he does look like a pirate, but please don’t point!  Hey, friends, say CHEESE!” 

(as she pointed her camera in our friend’s direction who happened to be standing near pirate dude and then snapped the pirate dude instead…lol)


I’m not sure which is more entertaining at the zoo….the animals or people-watching. 


My friend, Kat, and I got a kick out of this guy that we passed on our way to the exit.  He was evidently wore out.  Take a picture, she says,…lol…so I did.  :-P

At this point, we were so tired ourselves that the benches DID look comfortable.  LOL! 

Anyway, now I just need to go upload the rest of the zoo pics.  =)


  1. that's FUNNY about the pirate man.
    glad you enjoyed the zoo! we've been a couple of times recently and loved it - minus the heat. looking forward to your pics!

  2. A Pirate!!! LOL I love a kids perception of things.

  3. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Hahahaaa! that's funny.


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