Saturday, April 03, 2010

Our Life of Late…

I don’t know about you, but puppy eyes just KILL me.  IMG_6158eweb IMG_6131ewebIMG_6155eweb

So does scooping p00p….lol.  But they’re still cute.  ;-)  And the alternative to me NOT scooping would be that KC would kill me AND them…not an option…so off to scoop I go.  And now, it’s time to hit the road again….lucky pups, today they get to go, too… ;-) 


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    OH FAITH!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!They r so adorable!!! Omgoodness!! I want to see them!!!! lol. I mean in person.

  2. They're adorable!!!! Puppies are sooo precious. Until they start making messes. :)


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