Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Life Is Full Of Suprises

And that pretty much says it all.

Some of them good....some of them...(like certain downward spiralling investments) not so good.

And some of them just plain interesting. Like the fact that I found out a couple people that I never, in a million years, would have guessed would be reading my blog - DO...zoieks!

Actually, on the guessing game, I never did guess who my mysterious person was....despite several good clues. (That settles it, I am officially clueless! Haha.) Anywho, they finally told me who they were, but they prefer to remain anonymous, so ya'll will just be forever wondering. *grin*

Before I found out who they were, I thought maybe there was some wild reason they needed a secret maybe they were undercover spies in a foreign country using my blog comment section to pass messages back and forth...but then that didn't work b/c I don't generally have comments with unfamiliar identities, so I pretty much scratched that idea pretty quick. Anyways. They're just everyday ya'll don't have to worry about the possibility of my blog comment section getting hijacked by spies sending messages...LOL. Not that anyone but me would ever even consider that possiblity....hahah!

A shoutout to the kind folks who were so kind as to leave a comment or email me...
MixMonk, Anonymous, Teresa, Nikki, Amanda, Melissa, Amy, Rebekah, Kelly, Stacy, & Jules.

Thanks, you guys....ya'll totally rock!

And one more thing on surprises...

*warning...possible spoiler ahead -- although I think we're behind on watching it since we have to wait until it comes out on the internet*

Heroes is driving me nuts. What's up with all that? Peter goes bad. Then his dead father shows up again and I think he's pretty much evil and he steals all of Peter's powers so Peter isn't a Hero anymore. And Siler turned to the good? I am getting confused on who is good and who is bad now....or for that matter, what dimension they're in...past, present, or keeps changing up. Sheeesh. One surprise after another. At least what's his face that reads minds is still good. I like him...his personality reminds me of KC. He's cute like KC, too. He needs to stay a good guy. But who am I? Not the writer, that's for sure.

Well, all this blah blah blah....another random post full and it's much past my bedtime. Revival this week at church....everyone's tired and I've paid for a spot in a gym to be part of a huge yardsale on saturday so I've got all that I'm trying to get together, too. Cleaning out all the kids summer clothes that are too small or need to be packed away and pulling out the winter stuff to go through and weed it out.....CRA-ZYY.

all that to say I'm tired and going to bed now.

1 comment:

  1. So I was out of state last week, and recuperating from being out of state this week, so cut me some slack on comments okay....*grin* Love ya!


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