Sunday, March 30, 2008


Can I count today as Monday since it's officially the first day of my workweek this week? *GRIN* Probably not, right?

So I'm sitting here at drive time again, and it's been hopping this morning. Kinda quiet right this minute but that's a good thing since I'm down to one volunteer, my daddy, and me....awww sweet daddy. He came in and folded shirts for us this morning. AWWW.

Only thing about things being quiet, is now I'm sitting here wondering how KC's morning went.....wonder if he made it to church in time with all three kids. LOL.

Shygirl is going back to S&N's this afternoon after church, so KC will be back down to two again....and it was probably nice that she was there this morning so she could help get Munchkin ready to go. I hope Shygirl did her hair b/c KC does SKARY girl hair. HAHAHAHA.

I had everything laid out, clothes, shoes, fully stocked diaper bag, even jackets, and I did their baths last night, so he had everything pretty much ready to go...hopefully he didn't have any drama.

Knowing munchkin, that would be a miracle. HAHA.

Here's some Munchkin funnies from here lately:

Yesterday while she was putting clothes in the dryer for me, K-man walks up and says to Munchkin, "What doin, "munchkin's name here"???
So she says, "I busy workin', jus' HUSH" (ROFL.....wonder where she's heard THAT????)

When we bought a little Bob the Builder play set for K-man for him to play with when we were in Ohio, Munchkin busts out with, "BOBBBB the BUILDER, can us FIX IT? YES, US CAN!!"
(my favorite part? "can US fix it?" hahahaha)


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    How neat to have some "Daddy Time." That's super sweet of him to volunteer to help out. I'm sure it probably has nothing to do with folding t-shirts and everything to do with spending time with you. Dad's are like that. Well, loving Dad's are like that.

    Too cute. I love the things kids say. BTW- Randy told me the other day that we haven't gotten together on a Monday night, "in like forever."

    We'll need to set another play date, I guess. Are you game?

  2. Hey girl - hope you're not working too hard toady. I put in some hours at the office this weekend as well - kinda cuts into the typical weekend routine.

    I think I would have been tempted to hide a video camera somewhere this morning to capture KC's morning with the children. It might have been funniest home video's worthy!


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