So while we were eating....get this. I almost got my wish....the phone rang. It said "restricted call" (which the only person that ever rings on the ID as Restricted is KC's mom) we didn't answer it. (no offense, mom...LOL) But anywho....then about 2 minutes later it rang again...same thing. KC was like LEAVE A MESSAGE already. No message. About 2 minutes later....again. KC was like FINE. This better be an emergency (LOL) and answers the phone. Oops....its our social worker. Of all days. She must be on the same phone company as KC's now we'll have to answer all our "restricted" calls. SO....KC is talking a few minutes and uh-huh-ing a lot....and then he says, here, I'll let you talk to I take the phone. SW says, we've got a {under 4} yr old little boy that is currently already in foster care, but his foster mom may need someone to watch him tomorrow and possibly tonight b/c she has to be at work early, would you be interested? I'm like um....tonight? Um......okay....I think we could probably work something out. {I'm thinking....why TONIGHT? Its our anniversary and we've kinda got plans....LOL. But sure...okay.} So she says, okay, I'll call her social worker back and have her call you with the details. So a few minutes later, the phone rings and I pick up and its the foster mom's social worker. The little boy is sick, the mom picked him up from daycare and is on her way to the dr now and if he's cleared to go back to daycare, we won't need to keep him, but if the daycare won't take him, he'll need somewhere to stay while his foster mom is at work. Okay, not a problem. She gives me foster mom's phone number and tells me to call her a little later to find out if the little boy will be able to go back to daycare. Okay then. Guess that means we're now on the licensed home list.....pardon me a moment while I panic. Haha. Okay I'm better now. So its probably terrible of us, but we were both praying that the little boy would be fine and that he'd be able to go back to daycare. LOL. Now if the situation had been different, we wouldn't have felt that way, but a one night on THAT particular wasn't quite what we had planned. But we'd have still done it....we're gonna have to get used to changing our plans sometime. But still....I was kinda glad when I talked to the foster mom and the little boy was fine and going back to daycare.
So once we were finished eating we went to the mall to pick out our anniversary present.....we had already decided to get a new watch for both of us so we looked at Dillards, Sears, and finally found what we wanted at Penney's.
the funny thing is that I had picked out the one I liked and he had picked out the one he liked and when we tried them on we realized that they were very similar watches. LOL. Great minds think alike....LOL. ooh...thats kinda skary though. LOL.
Anyways, we had a couple other loose ends to tie up for Christmas stuff so we took care of that and then headed back to the house...oh yeah, stopped on the way home and rented Cars....that was pretty good. Got Lady in the Water or something like that to watch tonight...I'll let ya know how that one is. =)
SO that was pretty much our anniversary. *sigh* now we're going on six years. yow.
Not much else going on....I've been attempting to get a self-portrait b/c in my 23 years, I keep trying...and have yet been successful in my goal to get a decent picture. *sigh* Sometimes I seem to get closer than others....but its hard to work on both sides of the camera...not to mention what I got to work with....*sigh* Which is not a lot in case you were wondering. Oh here's my three latest attempts...
#1 probably the best one from a lighting standpoint, but its not really me. *sigh* oh well.
#2 ugh....KC took this one....I cheese too much when I'm smiling at him. LOL
#3 this one probably looks the most like me, but this was the bathroom mirror and the lighting is definitely lacking. *sigh*
Oh well. *SIGH* Guess I'm off for now...need to clean house. *grin* Such fun.
PS I'm about THIS close to finishing my Christmas I the only one out there that hates the little signs up that say 3 shopping days left to Christmas???
wow girl! You look great!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 5 years! DH and I will be celebrating 10yrs in Feb. Man, the years sure do seem to fly!
The watches are great, we did the same thing on our 5th year.
keep us posted regarding the fostering thing!!!