Monday, July 05, 2010

I Have The Best Hubby…

In the whole wide world…

He leaves me comments like this one. 

My top ten list of ideas for your blog:
1) I'm learning to say NO
2) Refer to number 1 (
3) I have the best hubby in the whole wide world
4) Refer to number 3
5) My life is busy, but it's better than being dead
6) My pool life is killing me...
7) I'm giving Pocahontas a run for her money
8) I'm giving the Highway Patrol a run for their money
9) My dogs are up for sale for $1
10) Refer to number 3
Love, your hubby

And while I had to chuckle at his title ideas and I DO agree with #3…I have to say…honey, if you make many more comments like #8 and #9, it might make me rethink this particular title.  ;-)

But see, he does things like THIS for me: IMG_6794

when I buy pieces of furniture like this:
so that I can turn them into THIS:  IMG_6924eweb

And okay, he does lots of other really sweet things, too.  Except for dissin my dogs.  That’s not sweet.  I’m still working on forgiving that.  ;-) 

And okay, a little confession…I don’t have any recent pictures of him.  Except for his hand in that project when I was taking before and afters…lol.  So that’s why I threw this project in there…And speaking of that project, not too shabby for $15 (not counting the wood putty we had to buy to fix the hole, or the paint which we already had).  Got it for Lil Mama’s room so she’d have something to put her stuff in/on.  Lucked out on it though, it was a brand new piece…hardware included but not even put on yet, and I hit it on half price day at Habitat Restore.  It had what looked like damage from shipping on the top and one side and I didn’t care for the color but it’s got “made in Italy” stamped all over it, and I figured all the negatives could be fixed pretty easy.  *grin*   LOL.  And they were…just a few hours of elbow grease and painting. 

And that was a project from a few weeks ago but it’s been crazy around here, so let me just finish with: My Life Is Busy, (but it’s better than being dead!)  LOL!


  1. Very nicely done. You always find the best deals, you GO GIRL!!!

  2. I disagree!
    I have the best hubby in the whole wide world. ;0)


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