Saturday, February 16, 2008

What To Say.

I really don't feel like posting, but since it's been two days and I don't like to get behind, I am going to do it anyways.

Kids stayed with mawmaw and pawpaw last night, so me and KC went to the big town for dinner. It was nice to have some time to ourselves again. We went to the bookstore and each picked out two books as our "valentine's day gifts" to each other. LOL.

My two books were on sewing, so you can probably guess what I did this morning while the kids were gone. LOL. I repaired three pieces of clothing, then started on a project from one of the books. I guess it probably was not wisdom to choose one of the more complicated projects to start with. *sigh* I was pretty much frustrated by the afternoon, especially when i had to stop and go get the kids to go to a birthday party and I knew that would be the end of uninterrupted work and it wasn't even close to being finished. After we got back from the party, I went back at it and was just like, okay, forget nice, forget getting it to fit right, I just want this DONE. I'm going to sew it up and by goodness if I'm not going to wear it....I don't care how it looks. I spent too much time on it to NOT get some good use out of it. ROFL.
So there it is.....and there's me in it....the above picture is more real life....I can exaggerate the mermaid look if I try...HAHA!!!
And speaking of the mermaid look.........................................and me checking out my ba-dunk-a-dunk...
So that's what I did. It doesn't look that bad. It turned out a little bit tight around my ba-dunk-a-dunk but I'll just have to find a shirt that is long enough to camoflage it. LOL. It was definitely an experimental project and I don't think I'll attempt that one again. Well, until I've forgotten the torture of the project...ahaha~! *grin* At least I can laugh at myself now that I'm finished with it. HAHA.
(Edited to add pictures and to say that this project is made from a skirt top--cut off of a long skirt, and then the pants legs off of two pairs of pants, cut up into pieces and sewed back together and then attached to the skirt top--where-in lay the problem of tightness b/c I couldn't get the size right...UGH)

Oh and I did work on laundry during all my day wasn't entirely wasted!! and I have MUCH more practice at sewing straight lines now!!! ROFL!!!!

So K-man is sitting on my lap now....he wants to say something, hang on.....

:[pppp gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggbkiiiihfhdgdvdgyfddn hiib bfmb bvuycjem8 k

okay now he doesn't want to stop. Mommy NEVER lets him do that. ROFL.

I like that he made a kooky smiley face there at the beginning....I'm sure he did that on purpose!!! HAHAH.

Well....I'm going to go now that I've created this monster!!! LOL



  1. I am glad that you all got to have some time together. and you got to rest. i love ya

  2. Hey, I think the skirt is great!! Really cute!

  3. Wow-- you can sew? I'm impressed! That's like a dying skill for our generation!

  4. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Can I have that skirt pattern? Then hopefully it will encourage me to to get my sewing machine fixed. :o)


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