Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thursday Thirteen #1 it is....thursday thirteen UNO edition! I may eventually link up to the official thursday thirteen thing (which I discovered through Denise's blog) but that is EVENTUALLY. thing to note....this is my
perfect that it falls on my first thursday thirteen!

Thirteen Things I Have Never Tried/Done:
1. Sushi (never want to...EW....unless its the kid version that I've heard about...LOL)
2. Kissing a frog (hey, I found my prince...who needs a frog?)
3. Skydiving (don't really think I want to, but I would if my life depended on it)
4. Scubadiving (this would be interesting...maybe I'll try that on our trip to Hawaii...sometime in the distant future....or would that be in my dreams? LOL)
5. Living in a big city (somehow, I don't think downtown *our town* would fit that description)
6. Stealing a car (I'm thinking this is a good thing NOT to try....LOL)
7. Asparagus
8. Parasailing (another one that I'd LIKE to try)
9. Visiting a foreign country
10. Kissing up to someone I can't stand just to get what I want (now I HAVE kissed up to someone that I LIKE to get what I want....LOL....but thats a different story. LOL)
11. Energy drinks (I can't stand the smell!)
12. Alcoholic drinks (and its not in my plans either!)
13. Singing karaoke in front of a crowd (I'd have to be drunk and thats not going to happen....LOL....see #12)

Okay...thats thirteen....that wasn't too bad.

However, lunchtime is over....back to work now.


Oh, PS...Susan....I'm very very glad it went okay. Hurry up and get back to work! LOL!


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Great first list!

    I have tried Sushi and it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

    You'll never catch me skydiving!

    Happy Thursday.

  2. Anonymous3:06 PM

    The Thursday 13 is fun. Great list BTW. Oh, and Thanks for the link to my blog. ~Becky (Wish they would get this beta commenting thing fixed.)

  3. I like your list! I have a great recipe for childrens sushi! And if you think the smell of energy drinks is bad, be lucky you havent tasted them! Have a great Thursday!

  4. Anonymous6:05 PM

    #12 & #13.. Great thiings to do on a friday night. lol

    My TT is up!

  5. Anonymous9:16 PM

    YAY for you! You did a thirteen!
    They can get kinda addicting... I find myself thinking about it on days :gasp: other than Thursday! lol
    ~Denise aka NYNative

  6. Wow...I've done some of those...but I guess I'm not too bad. I've never done #6..tee hee!

    God bless!

  7. I havent done most of those either!

  8. I like your list. I hope you get to try the things on your list. We only live once.

    I would love to try 3, 4,8 and 13.

    I also think that 6 would be an interesting rush, but not something I'd ever like to do.

    Happy TT!

  9. You should try tastes better than energy drinks smell. LOL

    Hey - thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be adding more guidelines tonight. I think I have about 65 of them so far and two more waiting to become guidelines.


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