I feel like I’m really on top of things right now. Like I’m getting everything done, and oh, so productive. Like that busy little bee over there -->
But then I get that feeling.
You know the one. The one that says maybe you’re not that awesome. The one that says you’re probably forgetting something REALLLLLLLY important and you won’t remember it until it’s too late--and THEN you’re not only going to feel NOT awesome, you’re gonna feel like that squishy stuff that the dogs leave in the yard.
THAT feeling.
I don’t know what to do about that feeling. I’ve made lists. I’ve checked them twice (even though they’re not naughty lists and I’m not Santa). I’ve even checked my calendar.
Hi, I’m Dory! What’s your name?
Okay, anyway. I finished my Entrepreneurship class today (a week early…hallelujah!). I now know how to spell “entrepreneurship.” I also know I hate writing business plans. And I’m 95% sure I will be finishing that dreadful class with a beautiful A. All’s well that ends well. I’m pretty sure I’ll be getting an A in Commercial Photography also, but Photojournalism has thrown me for a loop. I have my fingers crossed for an A in that class. I’m hovering just inside the A field right now, but there are a couple of upcoming assignments left that might kick my rear and that would make me really sad. I’ve learned from photojournalism class that I admire photojournalists greatly and I don’t think I is one. lol
Hi, I’m Perfectionist Dory. *goofy face*
I have so many things still on my to-do list, but I’m making great progress on---
Poo. I just accidently keystroke deleted a whole piece of post. And I don’t feel like rewriting. Also, I don’t remember exactly what I was blabbering about when I accidentally hit the wrong button.
Hi, I’m Dory.
Otay….so I’m going to get back to work on that list now. I have exactly one hour before church and I need to get about 5 hours worth of work done in that hour so…..I’ll probably open Facebook and forget that I was working on that list.
Dory…over and out.