Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow Day

Finally a real snow day. And thankfully is one on my off day from school so I don't have an extra makeup assignment. Lol. The joys of student life. If I were smart, I'd totally be using today to catch up on everything.

Unfortunately, lazy is totally trumping smart today.

Too bad, so sad. And now that I've guilted myself into it, I guess I'll go do some laundry. :)

Stay warm. :)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Skinny Person Problems

Random thought of the day:
It's a little unfair that skinny people get laughed at when they gain a few pounds and talk about trying to get it back off. "Aw, you need to eat a few more  cheeseburgers," or "no, you really should GAIN a few pounds."

But nobody ever laughs when a large person complains about being so hungry they're "starving." Nobody ever says to them that it wouldn't hurt them to lose a few pounds anyway. Grr.
#notfair #nofilters

Better Days

So....not perfect days, but at least I'm not as close to spending too much time in orange jumpsuits.

Of course, now I have snow days and makeup assignments to drive me up the wall, so better days may not last long.

Speaking of assignments, here's the one I've gotten ready to turn in for Friday. And hey's my bottle the other person wanted to hijack....

Alrighty then.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Moody Blues

Argh. I am all out of sorts today and nothing is helping. The kids are not helping. Crazy people are definitely not helping. I am so grouchy and it feels like a baby elephant is sitting on my chest, which makes me even more irritable.

Therefore, I blog. Probably not the smartest idea I've ever had, but I don't feel like ironing or doing laundry or cleaning house, so here I am. 

My problem is, I never know who might ever be reading this, so I hate to gripe about the certain people who make me mad on a regular basis because I would feel bad if they ever read it and way down deep inside, I really am a nice person and wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

However, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and bet that there's a few who will never stumble across this, and if they do, they can be like what's her face in The Help and deny that the story is about them. So I'm gonna rant for a few seconds and let the grumpy fly.

I get that people are at different levels of learning, but it bugs the fire out of me when people are lazy idiots and think they're geniuses that everyone should bend over backwards to accommodate. One of my friends and I were working on a sweep in the school open one had signed up for it. But this person wanted it. Dude, no one signed up for it and we were there first. Get over it. I don't know everything, for sure, but if I ask to butt into someone else's studio space and time, I'm gonna do my best to not just be a taker. Then to top it all off, the person had the nerve to ask if they could use my cologne bottle that I brought in to use for my advertisement project--for their the same class. Are you kidding me? If you don't have your own bottle to use for the ad, make it an ad about the clothing the model is wearing. Make it an ad for shaving cream. Make it an ad for anything! Seriously, there's thousands of ideas without using the cologne bottle I just shot. Except that would be work. I almost forgot. I don't even care that you are going to do an ad for the same cologne as I'm doing....but for Pete's sake, get your own bottle!

Ok, I'll stop now. That was just one of the little things that set me off today. Most of the other things weren't quite as easily definable. A third grader with a clearly definable 8's times table who is determined to push my every last button, however, isn't one of the undefinable things. Grrrr.

Also, I just want to eat lots and lots of junk food and I'm trying to resist and it's making me very hangry. That's angry hungry for anyone who hasn't seen the ecard on pinterest.

Now I said I'd quit so I better leave before this venting gets too out of control.

And i know I'm supposed to finish blogging about the imaging conference, but I don't know if I'll get back around to it or not. I'm so over school this semester. I don't know how I'm going to get through another three semesters. *sigh*

Yes yes I'm leaving now. :/ deep will all be okay.


Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Back Home

And hallelujah, am I ever happy to be home.

It was a fantastic conference, but it's great to be back in NC again.

I'll have to come back and post the pics of the last couple days before I forget, hopefully. I tried to do it every night, but I would get through the days pics and then run out of steam because I was so tired by bedtime and the days were way too busy to fit it in during the day.

According to my step counter, over the last five days, I've walked around 30 miles. It's no wonder my feet hurt and I'm exhausted. Lol.

Anyway, I'm home, and it's great. :) hopefully more on the trip tomorrow. :)